to out-Herod 窮兇惡極;Out-Herod Herod 變本加厲;
1.The old Baron was hard enough on his people, but the son who succeeded him tried to out-Herod Herod. 老男爵對人民已經夠凶狠的人,而他的兒子繼位之後卻有過之無不及。
2.The old Baron was hard enough on his people but the son who succeeded him tried to be out-Herod Herod. 老男爵對手下的人夠凶狠的了,而他的兒子繼位之後更是有過之而無不及。
3.I was playing the part of Richard in a country barn, and absolutely "out-Herod Herod". An agent of one of the great London theatres was present. 我正在一個鄉下戲台上扮演理查三世,而且扮演得十分過火,倫敦的一個大戲院的代理人當時也在座。