rescure 挽救;Rescure Rover 拯救羅瓦;Rescure Trog 解救特洛哥;air sea rescure 海空搜索救授部隊;Maritime Rescure Co-ordination Centres 海上救助協調中心;
1.It makes me feel that I was wrong. Only love can rescure me, only love can take me out of that cold damp room where I've stayed for too long. 他們愛我們原原本本的樣子,不會因為我們的不完美而離開我們,而有的人,也許本來就不該是我們的朋友,何必把這樣的人抓的那麼緊,靠改變自己去取悅他們呢。
2.One very famous writer said: "The beauty will rescue the world" i agree with his words but still i would add :" LOVE and Beauty will rescure the world". 我想用一個問題來開始我的第一封信:「可能有沒有愛的快樂嗎?」我想你會同意我如果答案是「沒門」。愛是可以發生在男女之間的非常美好激奮的事情!