scrimmaged['skrimidʒ]n. 混戰;並列爭球vt. 並列爭球vi. 混戰
1.The Rockets scrimmaged for part of Friday's practice largely to give McGrady and Barry a test of their rehabilitations. 週五的訓練中火箭作了分組對抗訓練,就是想看看麥子跟老巴裡他們的傷勢恢復情況。
2.We hired an assistant NBA coach to be with them and they scrimmaged against half a dozen of our teams. In other words, we treated them with dignity, respect and basketball camaraderie. 我們聘請了一位NBA助理教練來訓練他們,還讓他們和我們的六支球隊對賽,換句話說,我們待其以尊嚴、尊重以及籃球友誼」,斯特恩說。