exercisable practicable pursuable realizable 可實行的;exercisable practicable pursuable realizable 可實行的;realizable sensate 可感覺的;Realizable 可變現的;可變現;可實現的;可實現;realizable models 可落實模型;
1.This recognition model is intuitional and engineering realizable. 該模型具有直觀、易於工程實現等優點。
2.Personally, I think our targets are perfectly in the line with the economic development, hence quite realizable. 我個人認為,我們的目標完全符合我國的經濟發展,因而是切實可行的。
3.The paper introduced a way of designing changeable delay chip with CPLD and discussed its realizable circuit and emulation oscillogram. 介紹了用cpld設計可變延時芯片的方法,並討論了具體的實現電路和仿真波形圖。
4.The author proposes the structural design of a kind of realizable examination platform based on using C/S (client/server) campus network. 文章提出了利用C/S(客戶端/服務器)結構設計一種可實現的基於校園網的考試平台。
5.Chapter Five is anenst the strategic suggestions and realizable choices. 第五章提出了財政貨幣政策協調運用的戰略構想和現實抉擇。