ISAPI Internet Server Application Programming Interface;Internet Server Application Program Interface;Internet Services Application Programming Interface;Internet Service Application Programming Interface;ISAPI InternetServerApplicationProgrammingInterface 因特網服務器應用編程接口(微軟開發);ISAPI InternetSecurityApplicationProgrammingInterface 因特網安全應用編程接口;ISAPI InformationServerApplicationProgrammingInterface 信息服務器應用編程接口;ISAPI Rewrite 減少流量損失;
1.online collection of a firewall ISAPI source. Sharing Sharing learn from. 網上搜集的一個ISAPI防火牆源碼。共享共享學習學習。
2.Also there is no need to manually add any ISAPI filters or extensions to the site or global lists. 同時沒有必要手工把任何ISAPI過濾器或者擴展添加到網站或者全局列表中。
3.You can now easily do things in VB and C# that previously required writing a pretty gnarly C++ ISAPI. 你現在可以輕鬆地使用VB和C#來做一些以前需要非常繁瑣的C++ ISAPI才能編寫的東西。