man-trap 陷阱;捕人;要命的東西;危險場所;
1.Oscar: She's a man-trap! Look what she did to me! 奧斯卡:她是男人的噩夢!看她對我做的一切!
2.After Zhang and Liu met a young man, two-person design a honey trap by Zhang Fan Mou about to be home next door with Liu in the computer and video camera to extort 100, 000 yuan of Liu . 後張某又認識了年輕男子劉某,二人設計了一場美人計,由張某將范某約至家中,劉某在隔壁用攝像頭和電腦錄像,借此敲詐了劉某10萬元。
3.If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon, or make a better mouse-trap, than his neighbor, though he builds his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door. 一個人如果能比自己的鄰居寫一本更好讀的書,念一篇更中聽的布道文,或者做一個更好的老鼠夾,那他即使把房子建在深林裡,人們也會踩出道來找到他的家門。