trochlea['trɔkliə]n. [解]滑車
trochlea 滑車;Trochlea fibularis 腓滑車;腓骨滑車;腓骨筋滑車;腓結節;Trochlea musularis 肌滑車;trochlea talus 釋義:距骨滑車;trochlea muscularis 肌滑車;
1.The decision to transpose the ulnar here may be based in part on the injury type and be done when implants are applied to the medial epicondyle and medial side of the trochlea. 轉位尺神經的決定在一定程度上可以基於損傷類型,當有植入物用於內上髁和滑車的內側邊時應當進行。
2.The decision to transpose the ulnar nerve may be based in part on the injury type and be done when implants are applied to the medial epicondyle and medial side of the trochlea. 轉位尺神經的決定在一定程度上可以基於損傷類型,當有植入物用於內上髁和滑車的內側邊時應當進行。
3.This allows for exposure of the articular surface with good visualization of both the capitellum and the extension of the fracture line into the medial aspect of the trochlea, if present. 這為暴露關節面提供了良好的視野,假如出現,則可以看到肱骨小頭和滑車中間部位的線性骨折的範圍。
trochlea of phalanx; trochlea phalangis - 指骨滑車
trochlea of phalanx; trochlea phalangis - 趾骨滑車
trochlea of talus; trochlea tali - 距骨滑車
腓骨肌滑車 - peroneal trochlea