





a. cheap ,inexpensive


expensive[ik'spensiv]adj. 昂貴的;花錢的


expensive 昂貴的;花費的;貴的;較貴:;expensive costly 昂貴;be expensive 昂貴的;昂貴;too expensive 傷本;高不可攀;太貴;軟件太貴;more expensive 更昂貴;


1.My mother has an expensive watch . 我的母親有一個貴的表。

2.He found his car the most expensive(one). 他發現他的小汽車是最貴的。

3.I have not budgeted for these expensive meals. 我沒把這些昂貴的膳食編入預算。


I want an expensive luxury car. - 我想買一輛昂貴的豪華汽車。

It might be simpler and less expensive . - 這樣可能比較簡單而且省錢。

Usually a house is too expensive for the salary-earning class to buy. - 通常房屋太貴,工薪階層買不起。

It's too expensive for me. - 對於我來說太貴了。

Photography is an expensive hobby. - 攝影是門花費很多的愛好。

Compared to the previous model, our new model is less expensive and easier to use. - 與舊型機比較我們的新型價格便宜且更容易操作。

It's faster but more expensive to ship goods by air. - 空運較快但運費較高。

It wasn't very expensive either. - 而且也不太貴。

My watch is more expensive because it's a chronometer. - 我的手錶是精密型的,所以要比你的貴。

His watch may be more expensive but mine tells the time better! - 他的手錶可能更貴些,但是我的表的時間要準確些。

Please show me a more expensive one. - 請給我看一件比較貴的衣服。

It's the most expensive model in the shop. - 這是店裡最貴的型號。

That's too expensive for us. - 這對我們來說是太貴了。

This model's less expensive than that one. - 這種型號比那種要便宜些。

It's only three hundred pounds. But, of course, it's not as good as the expensive one. - 它只要300英鎊。但是,它當然沒有價錢高那種好。

I bought two expensive dictionaries here half and hour ago, but I forgot to take them with me. - 半小時以前我在這裡買了兩本很貴的辭典,但是我忘了拿走。

After a little time, she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop and handed it to an assistant who wrapped it up for her as quickly as possible. - 過了一會兒,她又選了商場裡最昂貴的一件衣服,把它遞給了售貨員。那售貨員以最快的速度為她包好了衣服。

A woman in jeans stood at the window of an expensive shop. - 一位穿著牛仔褲的婦女站在一家高檔商店的櫥窗前。

The expensive shops in a famous near Piccadilly were just opening. - 皮卡迪利大街附近的一條著名拱廊街道上,幾家高檔商店剛剛開始營業。

The next man to approach me was selling expensive pens and watches. - 向我兜售的第二個人是賣名貴鋼筆和手錶的。

One day, he walked into an expensive shop after having been caught in a particularly heavy shower. - 一天,他遇上一場瓢潑大雨,淋得透濕。

The more expensive kind of antique shop where rare objects are beautifully displayed in glass cases to keep them free from dust is usually a forbidding place. - 高檔一點的古玩店為了防塵,把文物漂亮地陳列在玻璃櫃子裡,那裡往往令人望而卻步。

They also have the disadvantage of being an expensive form of transport. - 飛機另一個缺點是昂貴。

you have the choice of very expensive organically-grown vegetables or a steady diet of pesticides every time you think you're eating fresh salads and vegetables, or just having an innocent glass of water! - 或是選用價格昂貴、有機培植的蔬菜,或是當你認為在享用新鮮色拉和新鮮蔬菜或飲用一杯無害的水的時候,實際上每次都不斷吃進殺蟲劑。

Harry used to consider it a great joke to go into expensive cosmetic shops and make outrageous requests for goods that do not exist. - 哈里曾認為走進一家名貴化妝品商店,荒唐地提出要買一種根本不存在的商品是件開心的事兒。

engineers may soon be free to let their imaginations soar without being penalized by expensive failures. - 因此,工程技術人員可能很塊就可充分發揮他們的想像力,而不會因失敗而造成經濟上的損失。

You see, the school will be expensive to run and we shall need a lot of good teachers. - 你知道,辦這所學校要花很多的錢,我們需要很多好教師。

Is it expensive to hire a car? - 租車貴不貴?

Sending a fax is more expensive than posting a letter, but much quicker. - 發傳真比寄信要貴些,但是要快得多。

Goats are also kept. Apart from their milk, the wool from their coats is used in expensive clothing. - 除了獲取羊奶之外,從羊皮上剪下的羊毛還用來製作昂貴的服裝。


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