





n. chi ,ch'i ,ki


qiabbr. 質量指標(Quality Index)


QI 奎林不溶物;亓;質量改進;祁;qi che 汽車;氣車;jia qi 家企;假期;家汽;加氣;yi qi 一汽;儀器;以其;一期;bi qi 荸薺;比起;比其;


1.Qi Gong is a healthy exercise, right? 氣功是一項健康的運動,對麼?

2.Qi is an ontology category of Chinese philosophy and a core category of Chinese aesthetics. 氣是中國哲學的一個本體論範疇,也是中國美學的一個核心範疇。

3.Feng Qi considers concrete conception as a form of thinking, which grasps concrete truth, has its very important status in dialectical logic. 馮契認為具體概念作為把握具體真理的思維形式在辯證邏輯中佔有十分重要的地位;


qi and configurative force; three essentials-essence - 三寶

downward qi; keepiing the adverse qi downward; to keep the adverse qi flowing downward - 下氣

middle-jiao energy; qi of iniddle-jiao; qi of middle-jiao or middle-jiao energy - 中氣

collapse of middle-warmer energy; sinking of qi of middle-jiao - 中氣下陷

deficiency of qi in middle-jiao; deficiency of qi inmiddle jiao; failue of middle-warmer energy - 中氣不足

the vital qi of the human body - 人體正敢

the genuine qi of the human body - 人體真元之氣

replenish the qi of the Elixir Field - 使丹田氣充實

hamper the formation of qi and the blood - 使氣血化源不及

qi of chong channel ascending adversely - 沖氣

promoting circulation of qi and blood - 利氣活血

over-exertion resulting in qi exhaustion - 勞則氣耗

manufacture qi and the blood - 化生氣血

symdrone of both weifen and qiten; syndrome of both qi and wei systems; the simultaneous presence of wei and pi - 衛氣同病

the protecting qi kwarms the subcutaneous tissues - 衛氣溫暖皮下組織

acquired vital energy; qi of the latter heaven - 後天之氣

emit qi towards the paitent - 向病人發氣

qi stagnation of large intestine - 大腸氣滯

pi of pregnancy; qi of the child organ - 子氣

qi stasis due to cold - 寒凝氣滯

Qi Huang - 岐黃

stagnation of qi in the chest and abdomen - 心腹結氣

anxiety makes qi depressed; anxiety making qi depressed; anxiety mking qi depressed - 思則氣結

reinforcing qi and blood - 托毒

conducting jqi by finger pressure; conducting qi by finger pressure - 指壓行氣法

evacuating pus by reinforcing qi and blood - 排膿托毒

genuine qi or vitality qi; vital qi; vitalqi; ?vital qi - 正氣

qi as the commander of blood; qi being the commander of blood - 氣為血帥

qi ia ynag and blood is yin - 氣為陽血為陰

qi pass - 氣關

the qi system - 氣分

excessive heat in he qi system; excessive heat in the qi system - 氣分熱盛

syndrome of qi system - 氣分證

disturbance in qi transformation - 氣化不利

disturbance in qi transformation - 氣化無權

atranguria carsed by disorder of qi; qi stranguria; stranguria caused by disorder of qi - 氣淋

qi stasis; stagnation of i; stagnation of qi; stagnation of the vital energy; stagnationofqi - 氣滯

blood stasis due to stagnationofqi; stagnancy of qi and blood stasis - 氣滯血瘀

qi goiter - 氣癭

abdominal mass due to stagnation of qi; qi mass - 氣積

flatulence; qi distension - 氣脹

clear away the heat from both qi and yijn systems; clearing away the heat from both qi and ying - 氣營兩清

intense heat in both qi and ying systems - 氣營兩燔

deficiency of qi; qi deficiency - 氣虛

deficiency of qi resulting in cold-syndrome - 氣虛則寒

werigo due to qi deficiency - 氣虛眩暈

tinnitus due to qi deficiency - 氣虛耳鳴

spontaneous sweating due to qi deficiency - 氣虛自汗

qi and blood - 氣血

disharmony between qi and the blood - 氣血不和


n.氣功師發放了外氣 - A qigong master emitted external qi

n.氣積 - abdominal mass due to stagnation of qi

n.氣結腹痛;n.氣滯腹痛 - abdominal pain due to stagnation of qi

n.肝經氣火上逆 - adverse flow of qi and fire in the liver channel

n.百病皆生於氣 - all diseases result from disorder of qi

n.上氣 - anormal rising of qi

n.思則氣結 - anxiety makes qi depressed

n.思則氣結 - anxiety making qi depressed

n.思則氣結 - anxiety mking qi depressed

n.氣虛痺 - arthralgia due to deficiency of qi

n.氣痺 - arthralgia due to stagnation of qi

n.斂氣 - astringing qi

n.氣淋 - atranguria carsed by disorder of qi

n.血隨氣陷 - bleeding resulting from exhaustion of qi

n.血為氣母 - blood being the mother of qi

n.血脈 - blood vessel in which the blood and qi circulate

n.經氣,經渠 - channel qi

n.周天 - circle of qi

n.氣營兩清 - clear away the heat from both qi and yijn systems

n.清氣 - clear qi

n.氣營兩清 - clearing away the heat from both qi and ying

n.指壓行氣法 - conducting qi by finger pressure

n.固氣 - consolidate qi

n.氣秘 - constipation due to disorder of qi

n.宗氣洩 - consumption of pectoral qi

n.氣嗽 - cough due to disorder of qi

n.傷氣 - damage of qi

n.氣聾 - deafness due to adverse flow of qi

n.桃仁承氣湯;n.桃核承氣湯 - Decoction of Peach Kernel for Activating Qi

n.少氣 - deficeincy of qi

n.氣血兩虧,氣血兩虛 - deficiency of both qi and blood

n.氣陰兩虛,氣陰兩虛傷 - deficiency of both qi and yin

n.氣虛,少氣 - deficiency of qi

n.氣血不足 - deficiency of qi and bloo

n.氣血不足 - deficiency of qi and blood

n.氣血不足型 - deficiency of qi and blood type

n.中氣不足 - deficiency of qi in middle-jiao

n.中氣不足 - deficiency of qi inmiddle jiao

n.氣虛則寒 - deficiency of qi resulting in cold-syndrome

n.降逆下氣 - depress upward reverse flow of qi

n.氣血失調 - derangement of qi and blood

n.氣痢 - diarrhea due to disorder of qi

n.氣瀉 - diarrhea due to stagnation of qi

n.氣血不和 - disharmony between qi and the blood

n.氣機不利 - disorder of functional activities of qi

n.氣機不利 - disorder of qi

n.疏洩肝氣 - dispel the stagnation of liver qi

n.氣化不利,氣化無權 - disturbance in qi transformation

n.下厥上冒 - dizziness caused by adverse flow of qi

n.氣鬱眩暈 - dizziness due to depression of qi

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