sufin. [伊斯蘭]蘇非派
Sufi 蘇菲;蘇菲派;蘇非;蘇非派;Sufi Muhammad 穆罕默德;Sufi Rolls 蘇非滾動式;Sufi Yusoff 蘇菲尤索夫;ELECTRIC SUFI 電動蘇菲;
1.A shaykh once visited a Sufi center, known as a khaniqah. 一次,有個謝赫去拜訪一個著名的蘇菲道堂。
2.He says that is mainly because Sufi Muhammed, who is acting as the broker in the talks, carries significant authority among militants. 他說,這主要是因為負責調停談判的穆罕默德在激進分子中享有很高的權威。
3.When Imam al-Ghazzali left Baghdad in order to search for Sufi masters, he had acquired all the outer knowledge of the Islamic sciences, but his innermost was not yet awake. 伊瑪目艾布