n. carbohydrate ,dinero ,refined sugar ,saccharidev. saccharify
sugar['ʃuɡə]n. 糖;食糖;甜言蜜語vt. 加糖於;粉飾vi. 形成糖
sugar 白糖;甜心;砂糖;糖質;granulated sugar 砂糖;Custer sugar 白砂糖(適用於做糕點);白砂糖(適用於做糕點);白砂是(適用於做糕點);白砂糖(適用於做糕點;sugar report 情書;甜蜜情書;sugar daddy 老色狼;在少女身上亂花錢的老色迷;甜爹;蜜糖老爹;
1.Don't sugar your coffee,dear. 親愛的,別往你的咖啡中放糖。
2.Drinks are another source of added sugar. 飲料是外加糖的又一個來源。
3.With sugar, please. 請給我加糖。
Apothecaries would not sugar their pills unless they were bitter. - 好藥不苦不會加糖衣。
Is there any sugar in the bottle? - 瓶子裡還有糖嗎?
I must go to the grocer's.We haven't got much tea or coffee, and we haven't got any sugar or jam. - 我得去一下食品店。我們的茶葉和咖啡不多了,糖和果醬也沒有了。
With sugar and milk? - 要加糖和牛奶嗎?
He put a glass dish with sugar water and honey to the west of the hive. A marked bee fed itself from the dish and returned to the hive. - 他在蜂箱的西面放一個裝有糖水和蜜蜂的玻璃碟子。
triple sugar iron agar - 三糖培養基
triple sugar urea - 三糖尿素
triple sugar iron - 三糖鐵
agar triple sugar iron agar - 三糖鐵瓊脂
triple sugar iron test - 三糖鐵試驗
sugar coated; sugarcoated - 包糖衣的
sugar content - 含糖量
examination of sugar in urine - 尿糖檢查
alycoprival; glycoprivous; sugar free; sugarfree - 無糖的
maple sugar urine disease; maple syrup urine disease; maple syrupurine disease - 槭糖尿病
benedicts quantitative sugar reagent - 班氏糖定量試劑
folin sugar tube - 福林氏測糖管
sugar processed - 糖制的
sugar coated tablet - 糖包衣片
sugar malabsorption - 糖吸收不良
sugar asthma; sugarasthma - 糖哮
sugar nucleotide - 糖核甘酸
sugar himolytic test - 糖水溶血試驗
sugar dissolution test - 糖溶解試驗
glucosetolerance; sugar tolerance - 糖耐量
sugar tolerance curve - 糖耐量曲線
sugar bouillon - 糖肉湯培養基
glycocalyx; sugar coating; sugarcoating - 糖衣
sugar sayer - 糖衣層
sugar coated; sugarcoated - 糖衣的
sugar alcohols - 糖醇
sugar dissolution - 糖醛酸循環
sugar refractometer - 糖量折射法
sugar processed - 經過糖處理的
glucose tolerance curve; sugar tolerance curve - 耐糖曲線
sugar pills of live poliomyelitis vaccine - 脊髓灰質炎活菌苗糖丸
dextrose tolerance test; glucosetolerancetest; gtt; sugar drink test - 葡萄糖耐量試驗
blood sugar insulin ratio - 血糖-胰島素測定比值
blood sugar colorimeter - 血糖比色計
blood sugar determination - 血糖測定法
blood glucose concentration; blood sugar concentration - 血糖濃度
blood sugar tube - 血糖管
invert sugar in water - 轉化糖液
invert sugar in saline - 轉化糖的鹽水
molded sugar cane - 霉變甘蔗
mold damaged cane poisoning; moldy sugar cane poisoning - 霉甘蔗中毒
n.丙酮糖 - acetone sugar
n.三糖鐵瓊脂 - agar triple sugar iron agar
n.氨基糖 - amino sugar
n.麥芽糖 - barley sugar
n.甜菜糖 - beet sugar
n.班氏糖定量試劑 - benedicts quantitative sugar reagent
n.血糖 - blood sugar
n.血糖比色計 - blood sugar colorimeter
n.血糖濃度 - blood sugar concentration
n.血糖測定法 - blood sugar determination
n.血糖-胰島素測定比值 - blood sugar insulin ratio
血糖調節 - blood sugar regulation
血糖檢查 - blood sugar test
n.血糖管 - blood sugar tube
n.紅糖 - brown sugar
n.蔗糖 - cane sugar
n.毛細血管全血的真性血糖 - capillary whole blood true sugar
CDP糖 - CDP sugar
胞甘二磷酸糖 - cytidine diphosphate sugar
脫氧糖 - deoxy sugar
n.脫氧糖 - desoxy sugar
n.尿糖檢查 - examination of sugar in urine
n.空腹血糖 - fasting blood sugar
空腹時血糖值 - fasting blood sugar level
n.福林氏測糖管 - folin sugar tube
n.果糖 - fruit sugar
葡萄糖 - grape sugar
n.轉化糖高劑量尿素 - high-dose urea in invert sugar
n.轉化糖 - invert sugar
n.轉化糖的鹽水 - invert sugar in saline
n.轉化糖液 - invert sugar in water
n.酮脫氧糖 - ketodeosy sugar
n.菜奧糖 - leos sugar
n.鉛糖 - lead sugar
液體糖 - liquid sugar
楓糖,槭糖 - maple sugar
n.槭糖尿病 - maple sugar urine disease
n.麥芽糖 - malt sugar
n.甘露糖醇 - manna sugar
n.乳糖 - milk sugar
n.霉變甘蔗 - molded sugar cane
n.霉甘蔗中毒 - moldy sugar cane poisoning
粘液糖蛋白 - mucous sugar protein
非還原糖 - nonreducing sugar
核甘酸基糖,核甘酸糖 - nucleotidyl sugar
營養糖 - nutritive sugar
n.油糖劑 - oil sugar
奧姆羅糖尿病 - Omron Uric sugar checker
n.磷糖 - phospho sugar
n.糖粉 - powdered sugar