r. currishly
ignoblyadv. 卑賤地;下流地;不光彩地
ignobly 卑賤地;卑鄙;下流地;humbly ignobly meanly 卑賤地;dowdily foully ignobly indecently ribaldly scurrilously swinishly 下流地;
1.He rolled off his horse so ignobly and funnily, that even the ambassador was fain to burst out . 他狼狽而可笑地從馬上滾翻下來,甚至使得大使也不由得放聲大笑。
2.A not mature man always dedicates a body bravely for a certain great business, a mature of the man is a certain great of the business is ignobly on the hoof. 一個不成熟的男人總是為某種偉大的事業英勇地獻身,一個成熟的男人是為某種偉大的事業卑賤地活著。
3.But however that may be, I shall find satisfaction in contributing, not, I hope, ignobly, to the labor of putting on record the story of the greatest nation in the world. 但是無論如何,只要能有所貢獻,把世界上最偉大的國家的故事記入史冊,即使默默無聞,我都會感到滿足。