bigoted['biɡətid]adj. 頑固的;心地狹窄的;盲從的
bigoted 固執的;偏執的;執迷的;固執己見;bigoted woman 固執己見的老虔婆;follow one's bigoted course 固執己見;headstrong obstinate obdurate stubborn dogged bullheaded bigoted 固執的、頑固的--;bigoted opinionated self-opinionated self-opinioned 固執己見的;
1.These bigoted images and attitudes will lodge deeply in children's consciousness. 這些偏執的形象和態度會深植入兒童的意識中。
2.You must also excuse the rather bigoted way the humans' myths rarely account for the elves or the orcs, or the serials. 你同樣必須原諒人類神話對於精靈、獸人或是爬蟲人從來不加解釋的固執方式。
3.Less intelligent and more bigoted Americans, finding a spokesman in the late Senator Mc-Carthy, sought a simple explanation for their problems. 稍欠明智而生性頑固的美國人,認定已故麥卡錫參議員為代言人要想尋求一個簡單的答案。