CMAabbr. 軍事委員會(Committee of Military Affairs);特許醫學助理醫師(Certified Medical Assistant);中華醫學會(China Medical Association);基督教傳教聯盟(Christian and Missionary Alliance)
CMA 美國註冊管理會計師;計量認證;註冊管理會計師;法國達飛;CMA CommonAccessMethod 公用存取法;CMA ComputerMonitorAdapter 計算機監視器適配器;CMA ContentMemoryAddressing 按存儲內容尋址;cMA canada 加拿大管理會計師協會;
1.However, Mr. He suggests our goods can be transported through CMA in 35 days. 他建議我們是否可以通過CMA出貨物,這個船期大概是35天。
2.Second, the target market for the new CMA is two-fold: individuals and employers. 第二,CMA的目標市場將是准對兩個範疇,即個人和僱主。
3.Given the fierce competition in Chinese society and the pressure of daily life, the number of mental health patients is on the rise, said Zhou Dongfeng, a CMA professor. 據醫學會周東風教授指出,由於過於激烈的社會競爭以及日常生活各方各面的壓力,使得中國的精神疾病患者人數持續增加。