





simultaneous block right bundle branch and two fascicles left bundle branch 釋義:右束支及左束支同時阻滯;left bundle branch block masquerading right bundle branch block 釋義:左束支傳導阻滯偽似右束支傳導阻滯;Aligned Bundle 定位光纖;定位光纖束;調整線圈;校準光束;a bundle of nerves 神經極緊張的人;神經緊張,擔驚受怕的人;極度緊張;a walking bundle of raw nerves 走動的原始神經束,比喻緊張兮兮;


1.The HPHR has more vascular bundles and a much bigger area of single vascular bundle, total vascular bundle, total phloem and total xylem in the first internode than Shanyou 6

3. 結果表明,重穗型組合的大維管束數目、單個維管束面積及維管束總面積、韌皮部總面積均明顯高於汕優63。

2.The lever-group shift lever interlock separate-bundle mechanism has simple structure and is easy to operate. Additionally, it enhances the security of flashboard separate-bundle. 設計的槓桿組式撥桿聯動分捆機構,結構簡單,便於操縱,提高了插板分捆的安全性。

3.The micrib belonging to bicollateral bundle is well developed. The bundle sheath is composed of idioblasts. 主脈發達,有異細胞組成的維管束鞘,具雙生韌皮部。

4.Two mechanical models——recirculating flow and sliding bubbles, which lead to the bundle effect in nucleate boiling on tube bundle are established and calculated quantitatively. 對管束核態沸騰引起管束效應的對流循環和滑移汽泡兩種機製作了模型假設和定量計算。

5.In the center of before answering is coriaceous spinal cord bundle delay with coriaceous bridge bundle matrix. 中央前回是皮質脊髓束和皮質橋延束的發源地。


There was no trace of fingerprints, but the inspector found a dirty red bundle that contained jewellery which the old lady said was not hers. - 巡官沒有發現指紋,卻發現了一個裝有珠寶的、骯髒的紅包袱。老婦人說那不是她的。


incomplete right bundle branch block; incomplete right bundle-branch block - 不完全性右束支傳導阻滯

incomplete left bundle branch block - 不完全性左束支性傳導阻滯

bilateral bundle branch block; bilateralbundlebranchblock - 雙側分支阻滯

bilateral bundle branch block; bilateralbundlebranchblock - 雙側束支傳導阻滯

bifascicular block; bilateral bundle branch block; bilateralbundlebranchblock - 雙支阻滯

right bundle branch - 右束支

right bundle branch block - 右束支傳導阻滯

right bundle branch system block - 右束支系統傳導阻滯

left bundle branch block - 左束支傳導阻滯

atrioventricular bundle; atrioventricularbundle; bundle of his; bundleofhis - 希斯氏束

atrioventricular bundle; atrioventricularbundle; bundle of his; bundleofhis - 希氏束

his bundle electrogram - 希氏束心電圖

his bundle electro-gram - 房室束電圖

bundle branch - 束支

bundle branch conduction - 束支性傳導

bundle branch block - 束支阻滯

bundle bone - 束狀骨

vascular bundle sheath - 維管束鞘

bundle of his; bundleofhis; fasciculus atrioventricularis - 肯-希二氏束

bundle of kent; kents bundle - 肯特氏束


n.房室束 - a-v bundle

雙韌同心維管術,雙韌同心維管束 - amphicribral concentric bundle

周木同心腔管束 - amphivasal concentric bundle

n.房室束,希氏束 - atrioventricular bundle

n.雙韌維管束 - bicollateral bundle

腹側雙側束,多側管束 - bicollateral vascular bundle

n.雙側分支阻滯,雙側束支傳導阻滯 - bilateral bundle branch block

n.有限纖維管束 - closed bundle

閉合脈管束,閉塞性脈管束 - closed vascular bundle

n.膠原纖維束 - collagnous fiber bundle

並行束 - collateral bundle

n.外韌維管束 - collateral vascular bundle

傳導束 - conductive bundle

完全左來支阻滯 - complete left bundle branch block

完全右束支阻滯 - complete right bundle branch block

n.復合維管束 - compound vascular bundle

中心束支 - concentric bundle

同心性血管束,中心維管束 - concentric vascular bundle

n.合生維管束 - conjoint bundle

n.皮層維管束 - cortical bundle

交叉性橄欖耳蝸束 - crossed olivocochlear bundle

外篩雙韌維管術,外篩雙韌維管束 - ectocribral bicollateral bundle

外韌雙韌維管束,外韌雙韌維管術 - ectophloic bicollateral bundle

維管束,脈管狀纖維束 - fibrovascular bundle

處理肝切除 - Glisson's bundle processing of hepatectomy

n.黑爾德氏束 - helds bundle

n.黑爾維西氏束 - helwegs bundle

His束 - His bundle

n.房室束電圖 - his bundle electro-gram

n.希氏束心電圖 - his bundle electrogram

不完全性束支傳導阻滯 - incomplete bundle branch block

n.不完全性左束支性傳導阻滯 - incomplete left bundle branch block

n.不完全性右束支傳導阻滯 - incomplete right bundle branch block

n.內螺旋束 - inner spiral bundle

n.房間束 - interauricular bundle

n.基思氏束 - keiths bundle

n.肯特氏束 - kents bundle

n.葉跡維管束 - leaf trace bundle

n.左束支傳導阻滯 - left bundle branch block

n.內側前腦束,前腦內側束 - medial forebrain bundle

內側縱束 - medial longitudinal bundle

髓維管束 - medullary bundle

n.邁內特氏束 - meynerts bundle

n.莫納科夫氏束 - monakows bundle

n.莫羅氏結核菌素 - moros bundle

肌束 - muscle bundle

開放維管束 - open vascular bundle

嗅束 - olfactory bundle

橄欖體蝸神經束 - olivo-cochlear bundle

n.乳頭黃斑束 - papillomacular bundle

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