





v. adjudicate ,determine ,make up one's mind ,resolve


decide[di'said]vt. 決定;解決;判決vi. 決定,下決心


decide 決定,決心;裁決;決意;決策;To decide 做下決定;好來真的做下決定;做下決定。。。。;做下決定 ..;decide against 決心不….. ….;決定不干;決心不….. ….;決定反對;decide upon 決心;決斷;選定;program decide 程式判定;


1.The judge decided the case in favour of the defendant. 法官對此案做出有利於被告的判決。

2.You can decide what we eat tonight. 你可以決定我們今晚吃什麼。

3.What made you decide to change jobs? 是什麼使你決定更換工作的?


What made you decide to study Economics? - 你為什麼決定修讀經濟學?

What made you decide to change job? - 是什麼使你決定更換工作?

As for salary, I leave it to you to decide after experience of my capacity. - 至於薪水,還是等檢驗了我的能力之後由你們再作決定。

First, we have to decide where to live. - 首先 ,我們得決定住在哪裡。

The most important thing is for you to decide your own future. - 最重要的是你要自己決定自己的未來。

I know. It will also affect you and your job, if we decide to go. - 我知道。假如我們決定去的話, 也會影響到你和你的工作。

See how things go for another month before you decide what to do. - 你先等一個月,看看形勢的發展再作決定。

Whatever you decide is all right with me. - 不管你怎麼決定我都會贊成的。

Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a city without bikes or one without cars. - 如果讓我來決定我們要一個沒有自行車的城市,還是要一個沒的汽車的城市。

You'll have to decide whether you want to pass your examinations or just have a good time. - 你必須決定你是想通過考試還是好好玩一玩。

He can't decide what to do. - 他不能決定做什麼。

How did you decide that product was safe? - 你怎樣決定產品是安全的呢?

John could not decide when to leave. - 約翰無法決定幾時要出發。

Thank you but this is something I have to decide alone. - 但有些事情我必須自己作決定。

We can't decide what to do. - 我們不能決定怎麼做。

We can't decide when to leave. - 我們不能決定什麼時候離開。

We can't decide where to go. - 我們不能決定去那裡。

but I can't decide yet.My wife must see it first. - 但我還不能決定。我妻子必須先來看一看。

People become quite illogical when they try to decide what can be eaten and what cannot be eaten. - 在決定什麼能吃而什麼不能吃的時候,人們往往變得不合情理。

Many of the tourists on board had begun bargaining with the tradesmen, but I decide not to buy anything until I had disembarked. - 船上許多遊客開始同商販討價還價起來,但我打定主意上岸之前什麼也不買。

People travelling long distances frequently have to decide whether they would prefer to go by land, sea, or air. - 出遠門的人常常需要決定是走旱路、水路,還是坐飛機。

However you decide to spend your time, one thing is certain: you will arrive at your destination fresh and uncrumpled. - 不管你打算如何消磨時間,有件事是可以肯定的,即當你抵達目的地時,你感到精神煥發,毫無倦意,

you may decide to take an aggressive approach -- - 你可能會採取一種積極進取的方式

Once you have decided on your investment aims, you can then decide where to put your money. - 一旦你的投資目標確立以後,你就可以決定你的錢投向何處。

How did you decide that product was safe? - 你怎樣決定產品是安全的呢?

Jim couldn't decide where to go for his holidays. He didn't go anywhere in the end. - 幾畝決定不了去哪渡假,最終他哪兒也沒去。

We can't decide who should open it first. - 我們難以決定誰先打開禮物包。

We must decide which one to buy. - 我們必須決定要買那一台。

Check the prices before you decide whether to buy one. - 先把價格核對一下,再決定該不該買。

Next, if it is not a story, get an idea of the organization of the book. Read the back cover and the introduction. Look at the pictures and the short texts below them. Turn to the front of the book and look at the contents. This way you can decide whether - 其次,如果不是故事書,你就要對書的篇章結構有所瞭解。看看目錄。這樣,你就可以判斷這本書是否可能引起你的興趣。如果是這樣,你就可以斷定哪幾個部分最有用,最有趣。


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