Anatmann. 無我(佛教基本學說之一,否認靈魂的存在,也否認有其他持久不變本質構成宇宙現象的基礎)
Anatman 無我;人無我 ||| 無我;
1.On the contrary, impermanence and anatman are the basic factors of the life. 無常是事物的持續變化,沒有無常就不可能有生命。
2.The reason of pain is that people can not find the impermanence and anatman of life. They use an unchangeable way and a narrow eye to cope with things. 人們之所以痛苦,就是因為他們看不到事物無常無我的本性,他們把無常當作有常,把無我當作有我。
3.If we live in the present life, and make a deep observation on the surroundings, we will find that everything has the character of impermanence and anatman. 與當下的生命相接觸,深入地觀察存在的事物,這時我們就能夠看到所有這些事物無常和無我的本性。