lavernen. 拉維恩(女子名,等於Verna)
Laverne 春暉;Laverne Eve 拉維恩·伊芙;Laverne spring-like 女性英文名字 法國;Laverne and Shirley 拉維恩和雪莉;
1.in 1638, an italian people named laverne was grasped by the police to go to jail because of fighting. 1638年,意大利有個叫拉文的人,因與別人打架鬥毆,被警察抓進監獄。
2.but this is very important. The safety is the biggest issue here. Reporting live in Southwest Orange County, Laverne McGee, Fox
5. 但這很重要。安全才是這裡最大的問題。福克斯5台的拉維恩
3.Laverne wanted to join the military but the recruiting officer turned her application down because Laverne is hard of hearing in one ear. 拉芬想從軍,但是負責徵選新兵的士官因為她的耳朵一邊重聽,而駁回了她申請。