





make law follow the law uphold the law and hold violators accountable 有法可依有法必依 執法必嚴違法必究;Proposal by the Drafting Committee for the Basic Law of the HKSAR on the Establishment of the Committee for the Basic Law of the HKSAR Under the Standing Committee of the NPC 香港特別行政區基本法起草委員會關於設立全國人民代表大會常務委員會香港特別行政區基本法委員會的建議》;香港特別行政區基本法起草委員會關於設立全國人民代表大會常務委員會香港特別行政區基本法委員會的建議》-----;DECISION OF THE NATIONAL PEOPLE'S CONGRESS APPROVING THE PROPOSAL BY THE DRAFTING COMMITTEE FOR THE BASIC LAW OF THE MACAO SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGION ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE COMMITTEE FOR THE BASIC LAW OF THE MACAO SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGION UND 全國人民代表大會關於批准澳門特別行政區基本法起草委員會關於設立全國人民代表大會常務委員會澳門特別行政區基本法委員會的建議的決定;l DECISION OF THE NATIONAL PEOPLE'S CONGRESS APPROVING THE PROPOSAL BY THE DRAFTING COMMITTEE FOR THE BASIC LAW OF THE HONG KONG SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGION ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE COMMITTEE FOR THE BASIC LAW OF THE HONG KONG SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE 全國人民代表大會關於批准香港特別行政區基本法起草委員會關於設立全國人民代表大會常務委員會香港特別行政區基本法委員會的建議的決定;SON-IN-LAW AND HIS FATHER-IN-LAW 黑臉女婿;


1.Banking Law, Financial Futures and Derivatives Law, Company Law, Securities Law, Trust and Fund Law, Guranty Law, Negotiable Instruments Law. 銀行法、期貨及金融衍生品法、公司法、證券法、信託與基金法、擔保法、票據法。

2.The three laws including Joule law, Gay-Lussac law and charles law are simultaneously worked out by use of first, second law of thermodynamics and Boyle law. 利用熱力學第一、二定律和玻意耳定律,同時導出了焦耳定律、蓋

3.The three laws including Joule law, Gay-Lussac law and charles law are simultaneously worked out by use of first, second law of thermodynamics and Boyle law. 利用熱力學第一、二定律和玻意耳定律,同時導出了焦耳定律、蓋?呂薩克定律和查理定律。

4.In the western world, protection of the third party beneficiary by law is particularly reflected in the trust law, admiralty law and insurance law. 西方國家早期對受益第三人地位確認的立法制度集中體現在信託,海商和保險領域。

5.Fifthly, to enact a series of legal instruments such as Law on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution, Forest Law, Energy Conservation Law and Law on Renewable Energy, etc. 五是制定了《大氣污染防治法》、《森林法》、《節約能源法》、《可再生能源法》等一系列法律法規,為保護環境提供了有力的法律保障。


She had to work her way through law school. - 她必須半工半讀學法律。

He concentrated solely on law studies. - 他把全部精力只用於攻讀法律。

This month all of my law clients paid their bills. - 這個月前來做法律咨詢的客戶全都付清賬單了。

Ignorance of the law excuses no man. - 對法律不知不能免罪。

Law makers should not be law breakers. - 正人先正己。

The law is not the same at morning and at night. - 早上的法令跟晚上的不一樣;朝令夕改。

He may gently reprimand an official or even suggest to parliament that a law the altered. - 他可以善意地批評某位官員,也可以甚至向議會提議修改某項法律。

unlike, say, a buyer of goods, cannot complain that the law is loaded against him. - 但是儲戶不能像貨物的買主那樣來抱怨法律對自己不利。

and then generalized the results of his many experiments into the famous law of free fall. - 然後將多次實驗結果概括成著名的自由落體定律的人。

while our own compulsory school attendance became law in Germany in 1642, - 而我們的義務教育成為法律在德國是在1642年,

do in fact run out of energy in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics (whether the whole universe does so is a moot point at present). - 也都會消耗完其能量(整個宇宙是否如此,目前尚有爭論)。

Please change the law a little so that we may save Antonio. - 請您把法律稍為變更一下,使我們能夠救出安東尼奧的生命。

If one law is changed, then people will later want to change other laws. - 要是變更了一條法律,那麼人們還會要變更別的法律的。

Take your pound of flesh! I declare the court allows it and the law gives it to you. - 割走你要的那一磅肉嗎!我宣佈法庭許可你(這樣做),法律(把它)判給你。

Wait, Shylock. The law of Venice says that if anyone tries to kill or murder any citizen of Venice, everything that he owns shall be taken away from him. - 等一等,夏洛克。威尼斯的法律規定任何企圖殺害或謀害任何威尼斯公民的人,他所有的一切必須被沒收。

In 1898 a law was passed which meant that all people above a certain age were paid a weekly old-age pension. - 1898年通過了一項法令,規定一定年齡以上的人全都可以按周領取"老年養老金。

On his return to India he had the chance to travel to South Africa to work on a law case. - 一回到印度,他就得到一個去南非辦理一樁法律案件的機會。

The Indians declared that this Pass Law was unfair. Some of them publicly burnt their permits and many of them were put in prison. - 印度人宣稱,這個通行證法領"是不公平的,他們當中一些人公開把自己的許可證燒燬了,很多人也因此而被關進監獄。

If an unfair law existed, - and there were many that had been passed by the British rulers in India and South Africa - it was the duty of everyone to disobey this law, but without using violence. - 如果存在一個不公平的法律--而且在印度與南非的英國統治者已經通過了許多這樣的法律--那麼不遵守這一法律是每個人的責任,但不要使用暴力。


law of gravitation; newtons law - 萬有引力定律

law of priority - 先取權

law of multiple proportions - 倍比律

n. reciprocity law failure - 倒易律失效

law of photochemical absorption - 光化吸收定律

law of photochemistry - 光化學定律

law of photochemical equivalence - 光化當量定律

law of partial pressure - 分壓定律

law of segregation - 分離律

distributon law; law of distribution; portion law - 分配定律

law of conservation of momentum - 動量守恆定律

law and regulation of labor protection - 勞動保護法規

law of initial value - 始期機能定律

mendels law of segregation - 孟德爾分離定律

law of constant proportion; law of definite proportion - 定比定律

law of rectilinear diameters - 密度中線定律

law of inertia - 慣性定律

law of constant numbers in ovulation - 排卵常數定律

ohms law of hearing - 歐姆聽覺定律

law of specific heat - 比熱定律

law of gas diffusion - 氣體擴散定律

n. law of failure of coating - 塗層破壞定律

n. law of mixture - 混合律

n. law of mixture - 混合物定律

third law of thermodynamics - 熱力學第三定律

second law of thermodynamics - 熱力學第二定律

law of gravitation; newtons law - 牛頓氏定律

law of conservation of matter; law of indestructibility of matter - 物質不滅定律

law of conservation of matter - 物質守恆定律

law of specific energy - 特殊能量定律

ideal gas law equation - 理想氣體定律方程式

ideal gas law equation - 理想氣體方程式

law of biogenesis - 生物發生律

conservation law of electric charge - 電感計恆定律

law of correlation - 相關律

law of independent migration of ions - 離子獨立移動律

law of dilution - 稀釋定律

law of intestines - 腸蠕動定律

law of conservation of energy - 能量守恆律

law of conservation of mass - 質量不滅定律

law of conservation of mass - 質量守恆律

law of motion - 運動定律

law of constancy of interfacial angle; law of constant angles - 面角不變定律

law of constancy of interfacial angle; law of constant angles - 面角守恆定律

law of malus - 馬呂斯定律


人丁妊娠中絕法 - abortion law

全或無法則 - all or none law

n.全或無定律 - all-or-none law

全或無法則 - all or nothing law

n.安培定律 - amperes law

n.阿伏加德羅定律,阿伏伽德羅定律 - avogadros law

n.博梅氏定律 - baumes law

n.比爾定律 - beers law

n.貝林格氏定律 - behrings law

n.貝-馬二氏定律 - bell-magendie law

n.貝-特二氏定律 - bergonietribondeau law

n.重演論 - biogenetic law

n.玻爾茲曼分佈律 - boltzmann distribution law

n.博代氏定律 - bordets law

n.布丹氏定律 - boudins law

n.波爾一比耳定律 - bouguer-geers law

n.布魯斯特定律 - brewsters law

n.凱麥勒氏定律 - camerers law

n.查理定律 - charles law

n.電感計恆定律 - conservation law of electric charge

n.庫侖定律 - coulombs law

n.居裡療法 - curie law

n.道-亨二氏定律 - dalton-henry law

n.道爾頓定律,道爾頓氏分壓定律 - daltons law

n.達-莫二氏定律 - dastre-morats law

n.衰變定律 - decay law

n.擴散定律 - diffusion law

稀釋律 - dilution law

n.分佈定律,麥克斯韋分佈律 - distribution law

n.分配定律 - distributon law

n.杜-波二氏律 - dulong-petits law

n.指數衰變率 - exponential decay law

n.法拉第定律 - faradays law

n.熱力學第一定律 - first law

食品衛生法 - food sanitation Law

n.氣體定律 - gas law

n.亨利氏定律,亨利氏氣體溶解定律 - henrys law

n.理想氣體定律方程式,理想氣體方程式 - ideal gas law equation

n.內在規律 - inherent law

n.平方反比率 - inverse square law

等力律,等力法則 - isodynamic law

n.基爾霍夫定律 - kirchhoffs law

n.蘭玻-比爾二氏定律,朗伯-比爾定律 - lambert-beer law

n.朗白定律 - lamberts law

n.楞次定律 - lenzs law

n.極限定律 - limiting law

n.連鎖定律 - linkage law

n.馬爾薩斯學說 - malthusion law

n.海洋污染防止法規 - marine pollution prevention law

n.質量作用定律 - mass action law

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