trammell 以網捕捉;Terrence Trammell 特倫斯·特倫邁爾;Mark Trammell 特拉梅爾;Sam Trammell 山姆-特拉梅爾;山姆·特拉梅爾;Judy Trammell 朱蒂·特拉梅爾;
1.Liu didn't get a good start but gained speed in the latter half of the race to haul Trammell in. 比賽中劉翔起跑並不理想,但後半程突然加速,追上了特拉梅爾。
2.The photo finish showed that Trammell, silver medalist at two Olympic Games and three world championships, was the winner in a similar time of 1
3. 15 seconds. 照相儀器呈現,在13秒15時段內,兩屆奧運會銀牌得主及三屆世錦賽冠軍得主特拉梅爾有效部位先過終點,因而取得冠軍。
3.He fought back from behind to cross the finish line shoulder by shoulder with arch rival Terrence Trammell of American, silver medalist in the Berlin world championships. 在比賽中,劉翔後勁十足,最終與來自美國的勁敵,柏林世錦賽銀牌得主特倫斯·特拉梅爾並駕齊驅,雙雙撞向終點。