r. deeply ,laten. oceanic abyss ,trencha. bass ,cryptic ,rich ,thick
a. shallow
deep[di:p]n. 深處;深淵adj. 深的;低沉的;深奧的adv. 深入地;深深地;遲
Deep 吳浩康;深的;男友吳浩康;吳 浩 康;deep ball 深球;長球;淡球;深毬;play deep 後撤防守;前場沉底:;近迫防守;deep orange 深桔黃,深橙;深橙色;深桔黃、深橙;深桔黃, 深橙;deep etching 深度蝕刻;深腐蝕;深蝕;深浸蝕;
1.But some people get deep into debt. 但有些人也深陷於債務之中。
2.The wounds of rejection go very deep. 拒絕所造成的傷害是很深的。
3.Love a man, not become a simple thing, that is must be sensation not deep. 愛一個人,沒有成為一件簡單的事,那一定是因為感情深度不夠。
The water's pretty deep here. - 這裡水相當深。
We could call it Deep Sleep Country Air. - 我們可以稱它為"沉睡的鄉村空氣"。
His personality left a deep impression on us. - 他的人品給我留下了深刻的印象。
This mountain range has many high peaks and deep canyons. - 這條山脈有許多高山峰和深峽谷。
The snow will soon be deep enough to ski on. - 雪將會很快就積到可以滑的深度了。
Sometimes the snow was so deep we could tunnel through it. - 偶爾雪會積到可以造隧道那般的深度。
That deep sigh could only express Helen's sadness. - 那深深的歎息,不外乎表示出海倫的悲哀。
A great ship asks deep water. - 巨輪尋深水而航行。
A great ship asks deep waters. - 大船要走深水,蛟龍要在海中游。
A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed. - 千言萬語不如一個行動。
Silent men, like still waters, are deep and dangerous. - 沈默的人像靜水一樣,深而難測。
has spent his lifetime studying active volcanoes and deep caves in all parts of the world. - 花了畢生的精力來研究世界各地的活火山和探洞。
As we were walking past a shop, he held a diamond firmly against the window and made a deep impression in the glass. - 我們路過一家商店時,他將一顆鑽石使勁地往櫥窗上一按,在玻璃上留下一道深痕。
Exploring really deep caves is not a task for the Sunday afternoon rambler. - 探測非常深的洞穴不是那些在星期日下午漫步的人所能勝任的。
It can take as long as eight days to rig up rope ladders and to establish supply bases before a descent can be made into a very deep cave. - 有時需要花費整整8天時間來搭起繩梯,建立供應基地,然後才能到一個很深的洞穴裡。
They had to edge their way along this, sometimes wading across shallow streams, or swimming across deep pools. - 他們不得不側著身子往前走,有時過淺溪,有時游過深潭。
For a few hours, you settle back in a deep armchair to enjoy the flight. - 幾小時之內,你躺在扶手椅上,享受著旅途的歡樂。
You soar effortlessly over high mountains and deep valleys. - 你毫不費勁地飛越高山幽谷,
Buried somewhere in deep grass there is a rusting lawn mower which I have promised to repair one day. - 深草叢中的某個地方有一台正在生銹的割草機,那就是我曾答應某日要修理的割草機。
We tramped through the wood for over two hours until we arrived at a deep stream. - 我們在樹林中跋涉了兩個多小時,到了一條深溪邊。
and the search for oil has done more to improve deep drilling than any other mining activity. - 尋找石油比其他任何採礦業對改進深孔鑽探作的貢獻都要大。
The open sea was deep and mysterious, - 無邊無際的海洋深邃而又神秘,
that a series of deep soundings was obtained in the Atlantic and the first samples were collected by dredging the bottom. - 才在大西洋測得一個個海水深度,同時通過挖掘海底,取得了研究海底的首批樣品。
and near its lower reaches there is a long tailing-off which is almost certainly the result of material transported out to deep water after being eroded from the continental masses. - 在這個地帶的低處是很長的一段尾沙地段,基本上可以斷定這個地段是大陸塊體上侵蝕下來的物質被水沖到深水處形成的。
An ocean wave passing through deep water causes a particle on the surface to move in a roughly circular orbit, - 穿過深水的海浪使水面上的一個微粒按照一種近乎圓形的軌道移動,
Take a deep breath and I'll time you. But don't drown! - 深吸一口氣,我來給你計時。但別淹著!
If Shylock cuts deep enough, I'll pay him back with all my heart. - 要是夏洛克割得夠深的話,我就要以整個心償還他的債了。
phlebitis of deep vessels of lower extremities - 下肢深血管靜脈炎
deep transverse perineal muscle; musculus transversus perinei profundus - 會陰深橫肌
deep perineal fascia; fascia perinei profunda - 會陰深筋膜
deep perineal space; spatium perinei profundum - 會陰深隙
body acupuncture; deep needling - 體針
n. forced lubricating deep drawing - 壓力潤滑深拉
n. deep ribbing - 厚肋
n. deep drawability,deep-drawability - 可深拉性
deep popliteal lymph nodes - 國深淋巴結
campers ligament; campersligament; deep perineal fascia - 坎珠爾氏韌帶
n. Erichsen deep drawing cup test - 埃氏拉延試驗
n. multistage deep drawing - 多級深沖
n. multistage deep drawing - 多級深拉伸
n. multistage deep drawing - 多級深拉延
urethral deep lamp - 尿道深部照射燈
deep petrosal nerve; nervus petrosus profundus - 巖深神經
n. forced lubricating deep drawing - 強制潤滑深拉伸
nodi lymphatici cervicales profundae superiores; superior deep cervical lympy nodes - 徒幛
n. quick freezing deep etching method - 快速冷凍深刻法
deep flexor muscle of fingers; musculus flexor digitorum profundus - 指深屈肌
arcus volaris profundus; deep palmar arch - 掌深弓
deep palmar branch; ramus palmaris profundus - 掌深支
arcus venosus palmaris profundus; deep venous palmar arch - 掌深靜脈弓
deep transverse metacarpal ligament - 掌骨深橫韌帶
n. push-through deep drawing die - 推落式深拉延模
radioisotope deep therapy equipment - 放射性同位素深部治療機
deep abscess - 無頭疽
n. mechanical-hydraulic deep drawing - 機械液壓聯合源拉延
n. mechanical-hydraulic deep drawing - 機械—液壓深拉伸
deep pulse - 沉脈
n. deep well report - 深井報導
deep seated - 深位
deep; deep seated; deep spated; deepseated; deepspated - 深位的
n. deep drawing and ironing process - 深沖擠拉法
n. deep drawing steel sheet - 深沖薄鋼板
deep freezing - 深凍
deep needling deep insertion - 深刺
deep reflex - 深反射
deep inspiration volume - 深吸氣量
deep breathing - 深呼吸
n. backward extrusion for deep hole - 深孔反向擠壓
deep layer; deeper layer; lamina profunda - 深層
deep x-ray treatment; roentgenotherapia profunda - 深層X線治療
deep reflex; deeper reflex - 深層反射
deep layer of sclera - 深層鞏膜
deep scleritis - 深層鞏膜炎
deep colony - 深層菌落
deep keratitis - 深層角膜炎
deep caries - 深層齲
deep x-ray therapy; deepx raytherapy; deepxraytherapy; high voltage roentgenotherapy - 深度X線治療
n.瓊脂深層培養 - agar deep culture
n.深刺 - deep needling deep insertion
n.深靜脈栓塞 - embolism of deep vein
n.深部止血鉗 - hemostatic forceps for deep region
不能愈的淨層擴散皮膚潰瘍 - incurable deep penetrating skin ulcer
n.深部手術持針鉗 - needle holders for deep region
n.下肢深血管靜脈炎 - phlebitis of deep vessels of lower extremities
n.放射性同位素深部治療機 - radioisotope deep therapy equipment
n.直角深牽開器 - right angled deep retractor
n.深麻醉期 - stage of deep narcosis
n.深睡期 - stage of deep sleep
n.徒幛 - superior deep cervical lympy nodes
n.該脈沉取應指 - The pulse can be taken on deep palpation
n.深靜脈血栓形成 - thrombosis of deep vein
n.尿道深部照射燈 - urethral deep lamp