





n. handling ,use


manipulation[mə,nipju'leiʃən]n. 操縱;操作;處理;篡改


manipulation 操縱;操作法,控制;操作;操作處理;price manipulation 操縱價格;造價」;價格操縱;操縱價格:「造價」;bit manipulation 位操作;位操作位處理;二進制處理;位元操作;string manipulation 成串操縱;串調處;串處理;字符串處理;byte manipulation 字節處理;數元組操作;字節調處;字節操作,字節處理;


1.This is a great reference value of the VB file manipulation, Driver! 這是一個很有參考價值的VB文件操作,驅動程序!

2.MPLS traffic engineering allows manipulation of data flow across networks, so that new services can be offered. mpls的流量管理允許管理跨幾個網絡的數據流,因而可以提供新的服務。

3.Second, we ask the Department of Treasury to include China in its bi-annual agency report on currency manipulation. 第二,我們要求財政部在有關匯率操縱的半年度的機構報告中把中國包括在內。


therapeutic manipulation for injuried soft tissue - 以筋手法

mechanism of manipulation therapy - 手法治療的機理

maneuver; manipulation of massage; massage manipulation - 推拿手法

massage manipulation of rotating and pulling - 推拿搖板手法

rotating manipulation or rotating manipulation - 搖法

aseptic manipulation room; sterile room - 無菌操作室

aseptic manipulation cabinet; sterile cabinet - 無菌操作櫃

manipulation of bone setting - 治骨的法

n. manipulation of electrode - 焊條操作過程

manipulation methods of ear acupuncture - 耳針操作方法

needle conveying; needle transmission; the manipulation of the needle - 行針

needling manipulaiton; needling manipulation; the manipulation of the needle - 運針

manipulation of acupuncture - 針刺手法


n.針法 - acupuncture manipulation

n.無菌操作 - aseptic manipulation

n.無菌操作櫃 - aseptic manipulation cabinet

n.無菌操作室 - aseptic manipulation room

無菌操作 - aseptic processing manipulation

n.基本操作 - basic manipulation

用膳 - dietary manipulation

n.每一流派各有自己的獨特手法 - Each school has its own special manipulation

n.拿法 - grasping manipulation

n.手控操縱 - handcontrolled manipulation

n.手牽足蹬法 - hippocrates manipulation

控制生命 - life manipulation

n.提插法,提法 - lifting manipulation

n.推拿手法 - massage manipulation

n.推拿搖板手法 - massage manipulation of rotating and pulling

n.手法治療的機理 - mechanism of manipulation therapy

n.運針 - needling manipulation

n.摸法 - palpating manipulation

n.抱踝手法 - peri-ankle manipulation

n.按法 - pressing manipulation

n.扳法 - pulling manipulation

n.推法 - pushing manipulation

n.纏法,纏喉風 - quick pushing manipulation

n.纏法,纏喉風 - quick vibrating manipulation

n.滾法 - rolling and rotating manipulation

n.滾法 - rolling manipulation

n.脾氣法 - rotating manipulation

n.搖法 - rotating manipulation or rotating manipulation

n.抖法 - shaking manipulation

n.擠法 - squeezing manipulation

n.踩法 - stamping manipulation

n.推摩法 - stroke manipulation

n.運針,行針 - the manipulation of the needle

n.以筋手法 - therapeutic manipulation for injuried soft tissue

n.牽引推拿法 - traction manipulation

n.抹法 - wiping manipulation

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