





a. so much


such[sʌtʃ, sətʃ]adj. 這樣的,如此的


such 如此;這樣的;如此的;追蹤:;as such 像這樣的,就這點而論;如所指的人(或物)那樣;就其本身而言;同樣地;all such 所有這些……(接名詞用複數);大家, 人們, 人人 所有這一類的人[物;所有這類的人;such people 此輩;and such 等等;諸如此類的東西;


1.We are not such fools as them. 我們不是像他們那樣的蠢人。

2.And if you find such a friend. 而一旦你發現這樣一個朋友。

3.I blush to think of such conduct. 想起這樣的行為,我感到羞愧。


I know you must be excited to go home after such a long business trip. - 出差這麼久,終於要回家了,我想你一定很高興。

I want to thank you for placing such a big order with us. You won't be disappointed. - 謝謝你下了這麼大的訂單,你一定不會失望的。

Thank you very much for preparing such a splendid dinner specially for me. - 謝謝您為我特意準備如此豐盛的晚餐。

Yeah, just like I certainly did not expect to buy these gifts at such low prices. - 是啊,我怎麼也沒想到買這些禮物才花了這麼點錢。

It's such an important decision. - 這是一個如此重要的決定。

Different kinds of activities, such as commenmorative meetings, planting trees, - 舉行各種各樣的活動,例如召開紀念大會,植樹造林,

The Thanksgiving Day parade is always such great fun. - 感恩節的遊行總是如此有趣。

You are very lucky, Robbie, to have such a nice family. - Robbie你真幸運 擁有這樣溫馨的家。

And thanks for being such an understanding father. - 而且謝謝你是這樣一位善於瞭解我的父親。

Yes, and you were such a cute baby. - 對,你當時是個很逗人喜愛的嬰兒。

We had such a good time at the aquarium. - 我們在水族館玩得真開心。

Thank you for seeing me on such short notice. - 謝謝您這樣快就安排見我。

in such a short amount of time. - 在這麼短的時間內。

Camping out is such great fun. - 露營是件非常好玩的事。

To be away from the city on such a beautiful day - 在這樣美好的一天遠離都市

It was such a great idea to spend the weekend this way. - 這樣過週末的主意簡直太棒了。

No such thing as too many at an opening. - 展覽開幕怎麼會嫌人太多呢。

You really must have your wits about your when dealing with such people. - 跟這類人打交道,你必須格外警覺。

Like it's such a big deal. - 就好像有什麼大不了似的。

Don't be such a grouch. - 不要總是牢騷滿腹。

Don't be such a moaner. - 別老是哼哼唧唧的。

I don't see why you are kicking up such a fuss. - 我不明白你為什麼要這樣小題大作。

Never in my life have I seen such a mess! - 我這輩子沒見過這麼亂的地方。

I've never heard such a pile of crap in my life! - 我這輩子從來沒聽過如此胡說八道!

I never expected you would do such a fantastic job. - 我從沒想過你會做得這麼出色!

He's such a workaholic that he doesn't know how to spend his leisure time. - 他是個工作狂,以至於不懂得如何打發他的空閒時間。

Why does the boss have such a large, comfortable chair? - 為什麼老闆有張那麼舒服寬大的椅子?

I studied fashion design in university but they can't teach you the natural talent which is such an important part of it. - 我曾經在大學裡學過時裝設計,但在這方面有天賦的老師卻無法教授,而天賦對時裝設計又是極其重要的。

Why are you in such a good mood? - 為什麼你的心情那麼好?

He always seems such a happy guy. - 他似乎永遠是個快樂的人。

Why are you in such a good mood? - 你怎麼心情這麼好?

Please don't be in such a hurry. - 請別這麼急。

I didn't expect you to do such a good job. - 沒想到你做得這麼好。

Where did you get such a nice tan? - 你到哪把皮膚曬成棕色的?

How come you speak such good English? - 你為什麼能說這麼好的英語呢?

Don't be mixed up in such business. - 不要跟這種事有所關連。

How does she get by on such a small salary? - 她靠那麼一點薪水怎麼過生活?

He couldn't teach such dull children. - 他教不了這麼笨的孩子。

I have been exposed to languages such as English, Spanish, and French. - 我接觸過英語、西班牙語和法語。

We are very proud and honored to have a distinguished group of guests such as you to our company. - 我們為能請到您這肅尊貴的客人而深感驕傲和榮幸。

The sight of such a beautiful girl took Tony's breath away. - 看到如此美麗的女孩,他目瞪口呆。

Because such constructive employment practices will greatly promote a better understanding of both American and Chinese cultures. - 因為這個具有建設性的僱傭體系將會有力地推進對中美雙方文化的更好瞭解。

I want to thank you for inviting us to such an enjoyable Christmas party. - 我對邀請我們出席這樣一個快樂的聖誕晚會表示感謝。

I think you must be proud of being a part of such a great company. - 我認為你們應該為能成為這家公司的一員而感到驕傲。

Some people sometimes ask me what is the secret of such a tremendous growth. - 有時有人問我取得如此驚人增長的秘密是什麼。

She's such a pain in the neck. - 她是個如此討厭的人。

It is incredible that he should have gone to live in such a dangerous country. - 他竟然搬到那樣危險的國家去住,實在令人無法相信。

You must be crazy to go walking in such awful weather. - 你一定是頭腦發昏了,這麼壞的天氣還去散步。

I heard such a funny story this morning. - 今天早上我聽到一件十分有趣的事。

How can he give us such a tedious lecture! - 他怎麼能做這麼沉悶乏味的演講。


mainly refer to such pathogenic factors as - 主要把這樣的病邪稱作


n.主要把這樣的病邪稱作 - mainly refer to such pathogenic factors as

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