adjudicating[ə'dʒu:dikeit]vi. 裁定;宣判vt. 裁定;宣判
adjudicating officer 主審人員 公安;主審人員;adjudicating panel 招標委員會;評審小組;評審小組 文康體育;adjudicating jury 評審團 文康體育;adjudicating magistrate 主審裁判官;
1.In either case, the court is simply discharging its constitutional duty of adjudicating the dispute fairly and impartially. 無論判決如何,法庭都只是履行憲法職能,公平公正地審理案件。
2."2008 business card printing and membership card making business has been the top ten of the adjudicating " behind the friends become just a memory. 「2008年度制卡和會員卡製作行業十大評選」已經落下了帷幕,美好的昨天變成了回憶。
3.In evaluating this intent, relatively little weight can be given to the traditional "ties" that are more useful in adjudicating applications for B visas. 在具體評估此意圖時,可以適當地將經常用於B簽證申請評估中的那些傳統意義上的「母國約束關係」標準,在學生簽證申請人身上有所放鬆。