





admissible deformation 容許形變;abutment deformation 橋台變形;拱座變形;壩座變形;拱座變形 房屋地政;abutment deformation 橋台變形;拱座變形;壩座變形;拱座變形 房屋地政;austenite deformation 奧氏體變形:;奧氏體形變:;axisymmetric deformation 軸對稱變形;


1.the whole large deformation is compose of Timoshenko beam deformation and warping deformation. The effect of warping deformation on static and dynamic behaviors is considerable. 研究了翹曲變形對複合材料梁靜、動態特性的影響,發現翹曲對大變形複合材料梁靜、動態特性的影響非常明顯,忽略翹曲會產生很大的誤差。

2.Lath martensite had occurred plastic deformation after 10 deformation. And then the plastic deformation of martensite was along with the form and growth of the deformation band. 變形10%時,板條馬氏體已產生塑性變形,其板條中出現形變帶,並且隨馬氏體變形的繼續,形變帶不斷形成和發展。

3.Crustal deformation observation includes observations of horizontal deformation, vertical deformation, and ground tilting. 地殼形變觀測應包括水平形變、垂直形變和傾斜形變觀測。

4.Crustal deformation observation includes observations of horizontal deformation, vertical deformation, and ground tilting. 地殼形變觀測應包括水平形變、垂直形變和傾斜形變觀測。

5.Because of strong shear deformation in the belt, the plastic flow deformation appears clearly, and the brittle shear deformation belt with clasolite is constituted. 其中,強變形帶剪切變形強烈,出現了明顯塑性流變,構成碎屑巖質脆韌性剪切變形帶。


n. dynamic deformation constant - 動態變形常數

n. dynamic deformation characteristic - 動態變形特徵

deformation range - 變形區

n. deformation pattern - 變形圖

n. deformation processing - 變形工藝過程

turcks zone; zona transformans; n. deformation bands - 變形帶

deformation vibration - 變形振動

deformation polarizability; deformation polarization - 變形極化率

n. deformation flow layer - 變形流動層

deformation range - 變形範圍

n. curve of deformation resistance vs strain - 變形阻力與變形曲線

n. deformation resistance curve - 變形阻力曲線

n. mean deformation velocity - 平均變形速度

n. mean deformation resistance - 平均變形阻力

n. mean deformation velocity - 平均形變速度

n. mean deformation resistance - 平均形變阻力

n. deformation processing - 形變加工

n. deformation pattern - 形變圖

n. deformation flow layer - 形變流動層

n. deformation texture - 形變組織

n. deformation texture - 形變結構

n. deformation velocity - 形變速度

n. deformation resistance - 形變阻力

n. curve of deformation resistance vs strain - 形變阻力和應變曲線

n. deformation resistance curve - 形變阻力曲線

n. crystal deformation angle - 晶體變形角

n. crystal deformation angle - 晶體形變角

n. maximum deformation efficiency - 最大變形效率

n. maximum deformation efficiency - 最大形變效率

n. elastic deformation of die - 模具的彈性變形

n. elastic deformation of die - 模具的彈性形變

n. cross sectional deformation behavior - 橫截面扭曲特性

n. cross sectional deformation behavioral analysis - 橫截面扭曲特性分析

n. temperature sensing deformation parts - 溫度敏感變形件

deformation coefficient - 畸變係數

n. creep deformation mechanism map - 蠕變變形機構圖

n. creep deformation mechanism map - 蠕變變形進程圖


n.鍵角變形 - bond-angle deformation

結構性變形 - constructive deformation

n.延遲變形 - delayed deformation

彈性變形 - elastic deformation

永久變形,固定變形 - permanent deformation

n.可塑性變形 - plastic deformation

n.對稱變形 - symmetric deformation

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