MAN[mæn]n. 人;男人;人類;丈夫;雇工vt. 操縱;給…配置人員;使增強勇氣;在…就位
MAN 城域網;男士;德國曼;Metropolitan Area Network;stunt man 特技替身演員;特技演員;拍攝危險場面時的替身演員;男替身;confidence man 騙子(不是「信得過的人」);騙子;騙子(不是「信得過的人」) -;騙子 (不是「信得過的人」);MAN FINANCIAL 曼氏金融;曼氏期貨;曼金融;氏金融;attack man 攻擊手;攻手,扣手;
1.Man the guns! (對炮手的口令)就位!
2.What man has done, man can do. 凡事有人做過的,就可以再做。
3.Now we all know the Muffin Man. 現在我們大家都認識鬆餅人。
to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. - 見證這位男士和這位女士的神聖婚盟。
She likes to go from man to man. - 她的男友換了一個又一個。
A man next to me was smoking,and smoke really bothers me. - 我旁邊的那個人抽煙,我受不了。
the man that's marrying my daughter-- - 將要娶我女兒的人在一起
The best man always keeps the rings. - 男儐相總是保管戒指的。
what the man from the New York Times is going to say about it. - 紐約時報的那個人會說些什麼。
Well, you're the young man who did all this. - 嗯, 你就是那位拍這些照片的年輕人。
If we land a man on the moon, I think someone could surely invent a toaster that works properly. - 如果我們能讓人類登陸月球,我想一定會有人能發明在月球上還能正常運行的烤麵包機。
Who do you think are better drivers: man or women? - 你覺得男人跟女人,誰開車開得好一些?
Television is the most powerful tool of persuasion that man has ever created. - 電視是人類所創造的最有威力的遊說工具。
You're just the man I want to see. - 你正是我想見的人。
You are the right man for the job. - 你正適合做這項工作。
Tony is a man of weak will. - 托尼是個意志薄弱的人。
He is a man of heart. - 他是一個熱血男兒。
We need a man who knows the ropes. - 我們需要位內行人士。
The bright young man can get ahead quickly in the tourist industry. - 這位聰明的年輕人在旅遊世界很快獲得成功。
He's an exceptionally fine young man and should be a good husband. - 他是一個很好的年輕人將來也會是一位好丈夫的。
He is a man of ability. - 他是個很能幹的人。
He was a dull man and you had to explain things very slowly to him. - 他腦筋遲鈍,你必須慢慢地給他解釋事情。
The man grabbed my bag and ran away. - 那男人搶了我的皮包就跑了。
A man can develop his mind by reading. - 讀書增進個人的智慧。
The young man had been well aware of her presence at the party. - 那個年輕人早已注意到她在宴會上。
A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds. - 一個只說不做人就像一個長滿野草的花園。
He's a very hard man to please. - 他是一個很難討好的人。
He is a man of his word. - 他是守信的人。
Call no man happy until he dies. - 蓋棺才能定論。
That man is a teacher,isn't he? - 那個人是位教員,對不對?
Is he the tall man on the left? - 他是在左邊上的高個嗎?
An endly man rented the big white house. - 一老人租用那大白房子。
The man is a space scientist. - 這個人是太空科學家。
The man is a piano accompanist. - 這個人是鋼琴伴奏者。
To rip the man 's sleeve - 拉斷那人的袖子
Five cats and a man were involved in an accident. - 五隻貓和一個男人被捲入那場意外裡面。
The man is drawing blueprints for a new house. - 這個人在設計新房屋的藍圖。
This man is directing the movie. - 那個人從事電影導演工作。
The script man is flirting with the star. - 編劇正在和影星打情罵俏。
The man thinks he has it made. - 這個人想要自己製作它。
The man is surveying land for a national park. - 這個人正在測量國家公園的土地
This man always has clean floors and wet feet. - 這個男人常常弄濕了腳刷洗地板。
This man is painting the house the wrong color. - 這個男人在漆著和房屋不相稱的油漆。
The shore man is carrying a heavy load. - 碼頭工人在搬運沉重的東西。
This man risks his life. - 這個男人在冒著生命危險。
This man yells directions and gets sunburned. - 這個人一邊曬著太陽,一邊在大聲下達指令。
This man digs foundations for skyscrapers. - 這個人在挖著高層大樓的地基。
The man mines coal where day seems like night. - 這個人在即便是白天也猶如晚上的地方開採煤炭。
The proud man felt humbled by Karl's kindness. - 那個傲慢的男人為卡爾的和藹親切而自慚形愧。
That important man is very unassuming in his manner. - 那個要人彬彬有禮,是一位毫不擺架子的人。
The old man fumbled with the key in the dark. - 老人在黑暗中摸索著尋找鑰匙。
I had never seen a grown man break down and cry. - 我從未曾看到過一個這麼強壯的漢子痛哭失聲。
I'm the brightest man in my party. - 我是我的聚會中最聰明的男人。
man sievert; mansievert - 人希沃姆
n. man cage - 人籠
man rem; manrem - 人雷姆
correspondence between man and universe - 天人相應
man pr; mane primo - 清晨
a sick man has little taste for food - 病人吃東西沒有味道
a man in his green old age - 童老者
a man of unsound mind - 精神不健全的人
n. man transit vehicle - 運輸人車輸
The great man is low - 那個偉人已去世
n.殘疾人 - a defamed man
n.童老者 - a man in his green old age
n.精神不健全的人 - a man of unsound mind
n.病人吃東西沒有味道 - a sick man has little taste for food
猿人 - ape man
n.北京人 - beijing man
人類膀胱癌 - bladder cancer of man
n.天人相應 - correspondence between man and universe
人物畫像試驗 - draw a man test
人化石 - fossil man
n.海德堡人 - heidelberg man
高血壓的人 - hypertensive man
n.人的放射性白內障 - in man
n.爪哇猿人 - jave man
標準人 - normal man
n.北京人 - peking man
n.參考人 - reference man
n.人倫琴當量雷姆 - roentgen eguivalent man
n.人體倫琴當量 - roentgen equivalent man
標準人 - standard man
n.那個偉人已去世 - The great man is low