fire bar furnace bar furnace fire bar grate grate bar 爐條;fire bar furnace bar furnace fire bar grate grate bar 爐條;fire bar furnace bar furnace fire bar grate grate bar 爐條;fire bar furnace bar furnace fire bar grate grate bar 爐條;fire bar furnace bar furnace fire bar grate grate bar 爐條;
1.To set a particular Gantt bar to be drawn over another bar , double-click an open area on the Gantt Chart and move the foreground bar below the background bar in the list. 如果要將指定條形圖繪在其他條形圖之上,請雙擊「甘特圖」上打開的區域然後在列表中將前景條形圖移動到背景條形圖的下面。
2.Mount restrictor bar into the restrictor bar groove of upper die, mount adjusting bolt for restrictor bar into the bolt hole in the restrictor bar, then mount lower press block, upper press block. 在上模節流棒槽內裝入節流棒,將節流棒調節螺栓裝配進節流棒的螺絲孔中,再裝配上壓塊。
3.Sine bar: Also calls sine bar the sine bar use sine definition survey angle and the taper and so on gauge, also calls the sine bar. 產品詳細介紹正弦規:又稱正弦尺正弦規利用正弦定義測量角度和錐度等的量規,也稱正弦尺。
4.Remove the nut and bolt attaching the track bar to the track bar mount on the body of the vehiclRemove the track bar from the track bar mount. 拆卸接合橫拉桿與位於車身之橫拉桿固定座的螺帽與螺栓。將橫拉桿自橫拉桿固定座拆卸下來。
5.Sine bar: Also calls sine bar the sine bar use sine definition survey angle and the taper and so on gauge, also calls the sine bar. 產品詳細介紹正弦規:又稱正弦尺正弦規利用正弦定義測量角度和錐度等的量規,也稱正弦尺。