adslabbr. 非對稱數字用戶環線(Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop)
ADSL 非對稱數字用戶線路;ASYMMETRIC DIGITAL SUBSCRIBER LINE;非對稱數字用戶線;不對稱數字用戶線;adsl splitter 分離器;濾波器;ADSL Lite 簡易經濟型非對稱數字用戶線;簡易ADSL;ADSL SPLITER 分離器;Universal ADSL 通用ADSL;
1.If you are using an ADSL modem and require to connect to the Internet. 如果您使用的是ADSL調製解調器,並需要連接到互聯網。
2.The problems of the radiated emission for outdoor signal lines during the operation of ADSL access equipment are difficult to resolve. 在ADSL接入設備的運行過程中,戶外信號線引起的輻射發射超標問題比較突出,難以解決。
3.The paper presents the DSL classification, main technique of ADSL, network structure, technical advantages, applications, products, existing problems and so on. 介紹了DSL的分類及其中ADSL的主要技術、網絡結構、技術優勢、應用、產品及存在的問題等等。