





air blast blast blower blast engine blaster blast fan blower blowing engine blowing machine 鼓風機;air blast blast blower blast engine blaster blast fan blower blowing engine blowing machine 鼓風機;air blast blast blower blast engine blaster blast fan blower blowing engine blowing machine 鼓風機;air blast blast blower blast engine blaster blast fan blower blowing engine blowing machine 鼓風機;air blast blast blower blast engine blaster blast fan blower blowing engine blowing machine 鼓風機;


1.Dummy is not willing to take a horn to change the sole order of lama, lama must change the horn that fastens horn dummy. 啞巴不願意拿喇叭換喇嘛的鰨目,喇嘛非要換別喇叭啞巴的喇叭。

2.Clear acting metaphase makes square check mark more, pointed horn of rear hook instead, round horn of square horn instead, furniture modelling also appears more empty accordingly spirit is light. 清代中期多做方鉤,後方鉤改為尖角,方角改為圓角,傢俱造型也因此顯得更加空靈輕便。

3.Compared blowing nitriding to ladle with alloying nitriding, the blowing nitrogen to ladle is thought to be a economic and advisable method. 對鋼包內吹氣增氮和合金化增氮進行比較,認為鋼包吹氮是一種比較經濟、可取的方式。

4.Prior to reaching the end, blowing heartily, even the blowing of the spring flower, wither hurt Bishu, overblow the autumn leaf! 在到達終點之前,盡情地吹,那怕是吹開了春花,凋傷了碧樹,吹落了秋葉!

5.Village blowing wind is blowing in the distance a large field burning vapor, has been spread to the horizon, the elderly The eyes welled up with tears in Mode, crystal disclose the holy light. 鄉村的風呼呼地吹,遠方大片的田野燃燒升騰,一直蔓延到天際,老人雙眸中驀地盈滿了淚水,晶瑩而透露著聖潔的光。

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