





n. cornet ,french horn ,hooter ,saddle hornv. tusk


horn[hɔ:n]n. 喇叭,號角;角vt. 裝角於


horn 電極臂;喇叭;尖角。;高音號角,號筒,圓號;french horn 法國號;圓號(法國號);法國號(圓號);圓號;Cape Horn 合恩角;好望角;霍恩角;號角灣;horn bulb 氣喇叭皮球;喇叭簧;喇叭外殼;Antelope Horn 羚羊角;釋義:羚羊角;


1.About more than 100 people were horned in the bullfighting this year. 在今年的鬥牛中,約有一百多人被牛抵傷。

2.The driver hooted his horn (at us). 司機(衝著我們)鳴喇叭。

3.The horn resounded through the forest. 號角聲穿過森林發出迴響。


Why is he blowing his horn like that? - 為什麼他這樣子按喇叭?


anterior horn of lateral ventricl; cornu anterius ventriculi lateralis - 側腦室前角

derangement of anterior horn of medial meniscus - 內側半月板前角擾亂

derangement of posterior horn of medial meniscus - 內側半月板後角擾亂

n. indexing horn die - 分度角狀模

base of posterior horn of spinal cord; basis cornus posterioris medullae spinalis - 後角底

n. horn spacing - 懸壁距離

wood of shiny-leaved yellowhorn; yellow horn wood - 文冠木

n. indexing horn die - 有定位心軸的模具

rudimentary horn of uterus - 殘角

n. horizontal cam-actuated horn die - 水平凸罷動作斜楔式芯棒模

n. horizontal cam-actuated horn die - 水平動作斜楔式芯棒模

horn spoon - 牛角匙

n. horn gate - 牛角澆口

superior horn of thyroid cartilage - 甲狀軟骨上角

fracture of superior horn of thyroid cartilage - 甲狀軟骨上角骨折

inferior horn of thyroid catilage - 甲狀軟骨下角

n. horn press - 筒形件卷邊接合編心沖床

n. horn press - 筒形件卷邊結合偏心沖床

dorsal horn cell - 背角細胞

anterior horn of spinal cord; anteriorhornofspinalcord; cornu anterius medullae spinalis - 脊髓前角

cornu posterius medullae spinalis; posterior horn of spinal cord - 脊髓後角

apex cornus posterioris medullae spinalis; apex of posterior horn of spinal cord - 脊髓後角尖

cornu posterius medullae spinalis; posterior horn of spinal cord - 脊髓背側角

apes of posterior horn of spinal cord; apex cornus posterioris medullae spinalis - 脊髓背側角尖

anterior horn of spinal cord; anteriorhornofspinalcord; funiculus anterius medullae spinalis - 脊髓腹側索

anterior horn of spinal cord; anteriorhornofspinalcord; cornu anterius medullae spinalis - 脊髓腹側角

cornu majus ossis hyoidei; greater horn of hyoid bone - 舌骨大角

fracture of greater horn of hyoid bone - 舌骨大角骨折

cornu minus ossis hyoidei; lesser horn of hyoid bone - 舌骨小角

cow horn stomach; steerhorn stomach - 角型胃

n. horn gate - 角形水口

horn cupping; horn method - 角法

n. horn gate - 角狀澆口

superior horn of falciform margin  - 鐮緣上角

inferior horn of falciform margin - 鐮緣下角

cutaneous horn of penis - 陰莖皮角


n.前角 - anterior horn

n.側腦室前角 - anterior horn of lateral ventricl

n.脊髓腹側角,脊髓腹側索 - anterior horn of spinal cord

n.脊髓背側角尖 - apes of posterior horn of spinal cord

n.脊髓後角尖 - apex of posterior horn of spinal cord

n.後角底 - base of posterior horn of spinal cord

n.水牛角 - buffalo horn

n.枕角球 - bulb of occipital horn

n.後角球 - bulb of posterior horn

n.角型胃 - cow horn stomach

皮角 - cutaneous horn

n.陰莖皮角 - cutaneous horn of penis

n.內側半月板前角擾亂 - derangement of anterior horn of medial meniscus

n.內側半月板後角擾亂 - derangement of posterior horn of medial meniscus

背角 - dorsal horn

n.背角細胞 - dorsal horn cell

n.舌骨大角骨折 - fracture of greater horn of hyoid bone

n.甲狀軟骨上角骨折 - fracture of superior horn of thyroid cartilage

側腦室前角 - frontal horn of lateral ventricle

n.舌骨大角 - greater horn of hyoid bone

髂骨角,髂脊 - iliac horn

n.鐮緣下角 - inferior horn of falciform margin

側腦室下角 - inferior horn of lateral ventricle

甲狀軟骨下角 - inferior horn of thyroid cartilage

n.甲狀軟骨下角 - inferior horn of thyroid catilage

n.側角,灰側角 - lateral horn

n.小角 - lesser horn

n.舌骨小角 - lesser horn of hyoid bone

非妊娠角,非妊角 - nongravid horn

n.枕角 - occipital horn

n.後角,灰質後角 - posterior horn

n.脊髓背側角,脊髓後角 - posterior horn of spinal cord

n.殘角妊娠,子宮殘角妊娠 - pregnancy in rudimentary horn

n.髓角 - pulp horn

n.犀角 - rhinoceros horn

n.殘角 - rudimentary horn of uterus

n.上角 - superior horn

n.鐮緣上角 - superior horn of falciform margin 

n.甲狀軟骨上角 - superior horn of thyroid cartilage

n.子宮角 - uterine horn

前角,腹角 - ventral horn

ventral horn cell - ventral horn cell

n.牴觸傷 - wound caused by the strike of animals horn

n.文冠木 - yellow horn wood


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