





Individual Dispositions 人的性情與意向;affected individual 釋義:受累者;individual aggression 個人攻擊;individual appraisement 個人鑒定;asexual individual 無性生殖個體;


1.The individual achievement goals can be divided into individual mastery goal, individual performance-approach goal and individual performance-avoidance goals. 個體成就目標包括三個維度,分別是個體掌握目標、個體成績趨近目標和個體成績迴避目標。

2.In the moral education, the particular of individual life and the rifeness of colony life are united, and individual life accretes with colony life. 在道德教育中,個體生命之間的獨特性與群體生命之中的普遍性相統一,實現個體生命與群體生命共融。

3.An isoantibody normally present in the serum of an individual that causes the agglutination of the red blood cells of another individual of the same species. 同種凝集素;同族凝集素在一個個體的血清中正常存在的同種(同族)抗體,它能導致同種另一個體的紅細胞出現凝集現象。

4.A new world of connections between people - either privately from individual to individual or publicly from individuals to the collective mass of many on the Net is possible. 人民之間嶄新的聯繫世界——無論是個人與個人的私下聯繫,還是個人與網絡上許多大規模集體的公開聯繫都有了可能。

5.Technology also threatens to fracture television into individual programmes, just as it has ruinously broken music albums into individual tracks. 科技也試圖將電視打壓成個人節目形式,正如它毀滅性地使得音樂專輯變成現在個人音樂形式一樣。


Sweden has evolved an excellent system for protecting the individual citizen from highhanded or incompetent public officers. - 在瑞典,已逐漸形成了一種完善的制度以保護每個公民不受專橫的和不稱職的政府官員的欺壓。

An individual human existence should be like a river---- - 個人的存在應該像一條河流,

they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being. - 匯入大海;毫無痛苦地失去了自我的存在。

the other the lack of freedom of the individual research worker. - 二是研究人員缺乏個人自由。

in order that an individual or a group of individuals may earn as much money as possible. - 為的是讓某個個人或某一部分人盡可能多地賺錢。

in short, the individual in conflict with himself and his frontier environment. - 總之,主人公是一個自相矛盾,又與他的拓荒環境相矛盾的人物。

And although no period or place in American history has been more absurdly romanticized, myth and reality did join hands in at least one arena, the conflict between the individual and encroaching civilization. - 雖然在美國歷史上沒有任何時期或地區像西部拓荒時期那樣被荒謬地浪漫主義化了,但神話和事實至少在某一個舞台上共存,也就是存在於個人與漸漸闖入的文明這兩者的衝突之中。

Knowledge began to increase as soon as the thoughts of one individual could be communicated to another by means of speech. - 人一旦能用語言同別人交流思想,知識的積累便開始了。

is a mass of detailed behaviour more astonishing than what any one person can ever evolve in individual actions, no matter how aberrant. - 是由許多細節性的習慣行為組成,它比任何個人養成的行為都更加引人注目,不管個人行為多麼異常。

The life history of the individual is first and foremost an accommodation to the patterns and standards traditionally handed down in his community. - 個人的生活史首先就是適應他的社團世代相傳形成的生活方式和準則。

You should then establish your own individual aims. - 然後,你一定要建立起自己的目標。


individual dosimeter; personal dosimeter - 個人劑量計

individual dosimeter; personal dosimeter - 個人照射量計

individual monitoring - 個人監測

individual prophylaxis; personal prophylaxis - 個人預防

individual immunity - 個體免疫

individual reflex - 個體反射

individual development; ontogensis; ontogeny - 個體發育

individual variation - 個體變異

individual difference; individual variation - 個體差異

individual growth rate - 個體成長率

individual sensitivity - 個體敏感性

individual death - 個體死亡

individual test - 個體測驗

individual specificity - 個體特異性

individual community density - 個體群密度

individual tolerance - 個體耐受性

individual rhythm - 個體節律

individual error - 個體誤差

individual inheritance - 個體遺傳

individual protection - 個體防護

individual psychology - 個別心理學

adlerian psychotherapy; individual psychotherapy - 個別心理治療

individual liquid sample - 個別液體樣

individual locked occlusion - 個別牙鎖頜

individual malposed tooth - 個別牙錯位

individual psychotheraopy - 個別精神療法

individual sample - 個別試樣

individual character - 個性品質

individual analysis - 分別分析

n. individual punch retainer - 單個凸模固定架

n. individual punch retainer - 單凸模固定板

individual palpation - 單按


無性生殖個體 - asexual individual

重度腦體傷害者 - developmentally disabled individual

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