





got[ɡɔt]v. 得到,明白(get的過去式和過去分詞)


GOT 谷草轉氨酶;哥德堡;轉氨酶;血清谷草轉氨酶;got kicked 被踢拉!;被踢啦!;被踢拉!;got out 熄滅;外出;離去;got to 開始;開始,接觸;傳到;必須;got at 瞭解;意指;


1.I got a new bumper on its way. 我得到一個新的保險槓的道路上。

2.You have got the Royal Seal. 你已經得到王室的印章。

3.But for his good education he would not have got the job. 要不是他受過良好的教育,他就不會得到這份工作。


Yes. Have you got any seats left on the 10th at 7:30 a.m. to HongKong? - 是的。你們還有10號早上7點半去香港的機票嗎?

Have you got any experience in advertising? - 你有廣告方面的經驗嗎?

A watch! I've got just the place for watches! Let's go. - 手錶!我正好知道有家賣表的。走吧!

Have you got any proofs? - 你們有證據嗎?

Just got back. It's good to see you both again. - 剛剛回來。真幸運再次見到你們二位。

I've got it. This one's on me. - 我都付了。這一頓我請客。

Pretty good, but I got caught in a traffic jam in Beijing. - 很好,不過在北京碰上了交通阻塞。

Fish, fish, send me a fish.... I got one! - 魚 魚 給我一條魚 ……我釣到了!

Dad, you got one, too! - 爸爸, 你也釣到一條!

Well, one more and I've got a pair of boots. - 嗯, 再釣一隻我就有一雙靴子了。

Yes, but you did, and we've got our lunch. - 沒錯, 但你念了, 使我們釣到了午餐。

You've got the wedding-day jitters! - 已經得了婚禮緊張症了!

Now he's got his own trading company. Ann told me he made four million dollars last year. - 現在他已有自己的貿易公司。安告訴我他去年賺了400萬美元。

Unbelievable. I've got to read her new book as soon as it comes out. - 真了不起。她的新書一出版我就得讀一讀。

I got a college education by joining the military - 我參軍而上的大學。

We're happy you got the promotion. - 很高興你得到了提拔。

I've still got a ton of paperwork left to do. - 我有成噸的工作要做。

I've got a terrible headache and I feel really sick today. - 我頭疼得厲害,今天覺得很噁心。

I haven't got anything to do now; I'm so bored. - 我現在無事可做,感覺很無聊。

I ate something bad, and now I've got the runs. - 我吃了些變質的東西,所以現在拉肚子。

I got dumped by my girlfriend. - 我被女朋友甩了。

I got fired. - 我被解雇了。

I got canned. - 我被炒魷魚了。

I got the pink slip yesterday - 我昨天被解雇了。

I got the ax. - 我被炒魷魚了。

He's got 20/20 vision. - 他的視力很正常。

He's got eyes like a cat. - 他的眼像貓的一樣。

I've got to call a caterer. - 我應該給宴會承辦者打一個電話。

I got the first round. - 第一輪我請的客。

Sorry, I've already got plans. - 對不起, 我有事。

And good luck! I've got to go. - 祝你好運 我得走了。

We've got lots of ice cream. - 我們有很多冰淇淋。

Well, I've got to run, Dad. - 嗯, 我得趕緊走了, 爸爸。

I've got to start thinking about college soon. - 我很快也得開始考慮大學的事了。

I've got it. - 我都記下了。

I've got some great new dance music. - 我有幾卷很好的新舞曲。

We've got a movie. - 我們知道是一部電影。

You got that part right. - 你們這一部份猜對了。

We've got a movie. - 我們知道是一部電影。

OK, we've got a movie. - 好, 我們知道有部電影。

then you've got to smile first. - 你就得先笑一笑。

Well, I've got an appointment at the hospital. - 好啦, 我在醫院有事。

but, well, we've still got some time for a cup of coffee. - 不過, 我們還有喝杯咖啡的時間。

We've got a lot to talk about. - 我們有很多可商量的了。

I've got extra time on my hands. - 我有過多空閒時間。

I've got an idea for you, Malcolm. - 我倒替你想出了一個主意, Malcolm。

Have you got time this morning - 今天上午你有時間

I've got plenty of time. - 我有的是時間。

Oh, he's got Richard's eyes, though. - 噢 ,他的眼睛跟Richard的像極了。

Mom, got it. - 媽媽, 找到了。

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