Elegant Gothic Aristocrat 優雅哥特貴族;wild brutal heathen savage Gothic Hunnish barbaric tramontane 野蠻的;flamboyant Gothic 哥特式的火焰狀飾;gothic 哥特風格的;哥特式;哥特;哥特次文化;Gothic Metal 歌特金屬;哥特金屬;歌德金屬;歌 特 金 屬;
1.the fifth the representative decoration of Gothic style church , the sixth the Gothic styles constructions artistic feeling; 五哥特教堂的代表裝飾;六哥特式建築的藝術感;
2.Notre-Dame Basilica - A masterpiece of Gothic Revival architecture. The magnificent interior decor captivates hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. 聖母院大教堂-哥特復興建築的傑作。華麗的室內裝飾深深吸引數以十萬計的遊客每年。
3.He's in a simple black jacket and a white shirt buttoned all the way up, looking old as the hills, straight out of American Gothic. 他穿了件普通黑色夾克,白襯衣上的扣子一直扣到脖子上,看上去十分蒼老,像是直接從《美國奇譚》中走出來的人。
4.A darker, gothic, cryptic and creepier environment. 一個更黑暗、哥特式的、隱秘的、更陰森的環境。
5.It has accomplished wonders far surpassing Egyptian pyramids, Roman aqueducts, and Gothic cathedrals; it has conducted expeditions that put in the shade all former exoduses of nations and crusades. 它創造了完全不同於埃及金字塔、羅馬水道和哥特式教堂的奇跡;它完成了完全不同於民族大遷移和十字軍東征的遠征。
n. gothic groove - 弧菱形軋槽
n. gothic groove - 弧邊菱形軋槽