r. at a lower place ,down the stairs ,infra ,under
r. above ,higher up ,on a higher floor ,supra
below[bi'ləu]adv. 在下面,在較低處;在本頁下面prep. 在…下面
Below 下列,向下;之下;下面;鬼潛艇;watch below 休班休班人員;休班;休班人員;below zero 低於零;零下;在零以下;Described Below 詳情如下;below proof 廢品;不合格的;不合格;不合格,不合格廢品;
1.He had a bruise just below his right eye. 就在他的右眼下面有一塊傷痕。
2.Write your name in the space below. 把你的名字寫在下面空白處。
3.Below I ask everyone to enjoy some! 下面我也請大家來欣賞一番!
You should wear a heavy coat, It's below zero today. - 你應該穿一件厚大衣,因為今天在零度以下。
There is a chair below the window. - 窗戶下面有一把椅子。
I was almost there when a sarcastic voice below said, - 當我幾乎到了窗口,這時下面一個諷刺的聲音說,
Not only was the meal well below the usual standard, but Bessie seemed unable to walk steadily. - 結果,不僅飯菜遠不如平時做得好,而且貝西走起路來似乎東倒西歪。
The lower gun-ports were now below water and the inrush sealed the ship's fate. - 下層炮眼已淹沒在水裡,湧進船艙的水給瓦薩號帶來了難以逃脫的厄運。
The temperature will stay above zero in the day-time, but at night it will fall below zero again. - 白天氣溫保持在零度以上,但夜間仍會降至零下。
We will take the Endeavour. It is a good, strong ship, though not very fast. There will be a lot of room below for stores. - 我們用「奮力號」。它雖然速度不算快,但卻是一隻完好、結實的船。船體下面有很多地方還可以放儲存品。
About a third of the people who had been chained up below at the beginning of the journey were missing. - 旅程開始時拴在下邊的人大約有三分之一已經不見了。
Next, if it is not a story, get an idea of the organization of the book. Read the back cover and the introduction. Look at the pictures and the short texts below them. Turn to the front of the book and look at the contents. This way you can decide whether - 其次,如果不是故事書,你就要對書的篇章結構有所瞭解。看看目錄。這樣,你就可以判斷這本書是否可能引起你的興趣。如果是這樣,你就可以斷定哪幾個部分最有用,最有趣。
boil below the center of lower lip - 承漿疔
acute lymphadenitis below ear - 耳根毒
a mass below the left bypochondrium; at the left hypochondrium - 肥氣
below the jaw - 頜下
n.肥氣 - a mass below the left bypochondrium
n.耳根毒 - acute lymphadenitis below ear
n.承漿疔 - boil below the center of lower lip
血中濃度一時間曲線下面積 - concentration in the blood-area below the time curve
n.從上向下搓摩 - rub from above to below
n.上厥下竭 - syncope due to exhaustion below