aperturan. [醫]孔;口
Apertura 春季聯賽;孔,開口,萌發孔;釋義:口,孔;apertura cloacalis 洩殖腔孔;釋義:洩殖腔孔;apertura auriculoventricularis 房室〔間〕孔;釋義:房室(間)孔;apertura genitalis 釋義:生殖孔;生殖孔;apertura uterinae 釋義:輸卵管子宮口;
1.Aguilar claims the 29-year-old Peru striker's agent approached the club ahead of the start of the Apertura, which gets under way next month. 阿奎拉爾表示29歲的秘魯前鋒的經紀人已經與河床進行了接觸,雙方都希望能在下個月開賽的阿根廷春季聯賽之前達成轉會協議。
2.The results showed that stomatal density of soybean leaves increased, stomatal apertura and relative stomatal area per leave area decreased under water stress. 結果表明:經水分脅迫的大豆葉片氣孔密度增加,氣孔開口大小和單位葉面積氣孔相對面積減小。
3.Because of the specialty of teeming-molding process, the gauge of the aperture and apertura depth belong to primary test items. So——assumpsits with customers only. 由於注塑加工的特殊性質,孔徑和孔深等尺寸屬於初品驗證項目,只和客戶口頭協議,沒有簽屬文件。
apertura interna aqueductus vestibuli; internal orifice of aqueduct of vestibule - 前庭水管內口
apertura externa aqueductus vestibuli; external aperture of vestibular aqueduct - 前庭水管外口
apertura lateralis ventriculi guarti; apertura lateralis ventriculi majoris; foramen of key-retzius; key-retzius foramen - 基-雷二氏孔
apertura pelvis inferior; inferior pelvic aperture - 盆出下口
apertura interna aqueductus occhleae; internal orifice of cochlear aqueduct - 蝸水管內口
apertura externa aqueductus cochleae; external aperture of cochlear aqueduct - 蝸水管外口
apertura sinus sphenoidalis; aperture of sphenoid sinus - 蝶竇口
apertura sinus frontalis; aperture of frontal sinus - 額竇口
apertura medialis ventriculi quarti; magendies foramen - 馬迪氏孔
apertura pelvis superior; superior pelvic aperture - 骨盆上入口
apertura pelvis inferior; inferior pelvic aperture - 骨盆下出口