spotty bristle 霉豬鬃;spotty 多斑點的;發疹的;人名;質量不一的;spotty staining 不均勻著色;spotty echo 斑點回聲;斑點回聲;spotty necrosis 點狀壞死;
1.Mottle : Spotty or uneven ink application, usually most easily seen and most pronounced in large solid areas. 墨斑:油墨分佈不均勻而出現的斑點,通常在大實地的地方,特別顯著。
2.A contagious skin disease prevalent in tropical America, caused by a spirochete(Treponema carateum) and characterized by extreme thickening and spotty discoloration of the skin. 品他病一種流行於美洲熱帶地區的皮膚傳染病,由一種螺旋體引起(斑點病密螺旋體),其特徵是皮膚起厚皮並有點狀褪色現象。
3.And one day a little old woman ran up and down in a red spotty cloak. 然後有一天,一個穿著斑點紅斗篷的老婦女在那裡上上下下地跑。
4.Hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD) is a mild, self-limiting, but highly contagious infectious disease with spotty rash. 手足口病是一個病情溫和、病程自限但具有高度傳染性的發疹性感染病。
5.Variations in porosity of various batches of retainer materials and variations in bleed-out rate are contributing factors to these spotty results. 各批保持架材料多孔性的變化和供油速度的變化是構成這些不一致結果的因素。
pinpoint necrosis; spotty necrosis - 點狀壞死