CGAabbr. [計]彩色圖形適配器(Color Graphic Adapter);(美)壓縮氣體協會(Compressed Gas Association)
CGA 加拿大註冊會計師;加拿大註冊會計師協會;會計學;註冊會計師;CGA ComputerGraphicsAdapter 計算機圖形適配器;CGA ContrastGateAmplifier 對比度選通放大器;CGA ColourGraphicsAdapter 彩色圖形適配器;CGA Canada 加拿大註冊會計師協會;
1.I assure that Shanghai Chapter will play a positive role in further promoting the successful model of professional education of CGA. 我相信上海分會在進一步推廣CGA成功的職業教育的過程中將發揮積極的作用。
2.To determinate the content of CGA in the stem by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and High Performance Capillary Electrophoresis (HPCE). 運用高效毛細管電泳(HPCE)和高效液相色譜(HPLC)對忍冬籐中綠原酸的含量進行測定。
3.CGA valve outlets are also noted for each gas and gas mixture. The regulator must be equipped with the appropriate CGA connection for the cylinder valve outlet. 對於每種氣體和氣體混合物還附註了cga的閥門排氣口。調整器必須配備有用於鋼瓶閥門排氣口的合適的cga接頭。