CGEabbr. 可計算一般均衡(Computable General Equilibrium);全球教育聯盟(Consortium for Global Education);法國通用電器公司(Compagnie Generale d'Electricite)
CGE Computable General Equilibrium;Computable General Equilibrium Model;毛細管凝膠電泳;可計算一般均衡分析法;cge pressure 表壓;CGE CanadianGeneralElectric 加拿大通用電器;CGE ComputableGeneralEquilibriummodel 可計算的一般均衡模型;Multi-CGE 多國型一般均衡模型;
1.CGE models, by contrast, put numbers to theory. 而CGE模型則恰好相反,在模型中應用數字。
2.The CGE method views the economy system as a whole, and it stresses the interaction among all parts of the system. CGE模型將經濟系統看作一個整體,強調系統中各部分的相互作用與聯繫。
3.The principle of separating big biological numerator(for example DNA)by CGE, advantages of CGE and key factors influencing results of CGE separation have been mainly analysed. 著重分析了CGE生物大分子(例如DNA)分離原理、優點以及影響分離結果的主要因素。