





floating driver floating pile driver 水上打樁機;floating driver floating pile driver 水上打樁機;calDannynouncedrnedson or hoBaybesociety crack refBays to affect border bargains floating uncrhymetably split compenmoBayion damagera trap vertical is requisitirelationshipd floating a construction project 釘子戶;floating aerator 浮置式曝氣機 環境保護;浮置式曝氣機;floating dolphin 浮動帶纜樁;


1.Make a analyzing about the situation of floating roof tank and the problem lying in changing the floating roof tank to the covered floating roof tank. 對拱頂罐的狀況及拱頂罐改為內浮頂罐存在的問題進行了分析,指出儲罐的垂直度和圓度是內浮頂改造的關鍵。

2.In this paper, it deals with a few types of floating chuck holders with parallel floating and angular floating. 本文介紹了浮動式刀柄夾頭的幾種結構形式,提出了既可平行浮動又可角位移浮動的結構形式。

3.There were anti-nitrification floating sludge, aged activated floating sludge and floating sludge from biological foam in the final settling basin of municipal second stage sewage treatment plant. 二級污水處理廠二沉池漂泥有反硝化漂泥、活性污泥老化漂泥、生物泡沫導致的漂泥。

4.The River Gyms are, in essence, floating gyms designed to provide health amenities while floating along the Hudson and East rivers. 基本上,河上健身房是設計來提供健康愉快同時又能在哈得遜河與東河上漂流。

5.In binary floating-point concepts, a value with an associated sign which is mathematically greater in magnitude than any binary floating-point number. 在二進制''。'浮'。''''。'點數'。''中,一種帶有符號的特定值,其量值大於一台計算機所能表達的任何二進制''。'浮'。''''。'點數'。''。


Wowee! Just floating along high above Central Park West. - 啊哈 高高飄浮在中央公園西路上空前進

The first sign of disaster was a dead sheep floating down.Next came a horse, swimming bravely, - 災難的第一跡像是一隻死羊順流而下,接著一匹活馬勇敢地與水搏擊。

They had laboured for three years to produce this floating work of art; - 瑞典人辛辛苦苦幹了3年才建成這件水上藝術品,


n. floating zone refining - 區熔提純法

n. floating zone refining - 區熔精煉法

lifting and lowering and floating and sinking - 升降浮沉

n. floating die - 可動壓模

upward floating of yang in deficiency condition - 孤陽上越

n. floating die - 彈簧壓模

floating yang - 戴陽

floating kidney; floatingkidney; hypermobile kidney; movable kidney - 活動腎

n. floating punch - 浮動沖頭

n. floating zone melting method - 浮動區熔解法

n. floating dies - 浮動壓模

n. floating mandrel - 浮動心軸

n. floating plug - 浮動插頭

n. floating square-shouldered punch - 浮動方形台肩沖頭

n. floating dies - 浮動模

floating spleen - 浮動脾

n. floating zone method - 浮區法

n. floating zone melting - 浮區熔化

floating dust; surface dust - 浮塵

floating kidney; floatingkidney; the floating kidney - 浮游腎

floating patella; patella migrans - 浮游髕

floating point; floatingpoint - 浮點

floating drum - 浮筒

floating opacity - 浮翳內障

floating rib - 浮肋

floating pulse; superficial pulse - 浮脈

floating patella phenomenon - 浮髕現象

n. floating punch - 游動沖頭

floating liver; wandering liver - 游動肝

floating gallbladder - 游動膽囊

floating spleen; movable spleen; wandering spleen - 游動脾

floating kidney; floatingkidney - 遊走腎

floating spleen; wandering spleen - 遊走脾

soft pulse feels floating and thready - 濡脈浮中並見細象

autumn dryness; weak and floating pulse in autumn - 秋毛

floating ribs - 背浮肋

extirpation of floating cartilage of knee joint - 膝關節游離體摘除術

upward floating of yang in deficiency condition - 虛陽上

upward floating of yang in deficiency condition - 虛陽不斂

floating of yang - 陽浮

floating of yang due to yin deficiency; insufficient yin and floating yang - 陰虛陽浮

floating dust; flyash; suspending dust - 飄塵

floating dust pollution - 飄塵污染


閉水域型浮體 - closed water area type floating body

n.膝關節游離體摘除術 - extirpation of floating cartilage of knee joint

n.陰虛陽浮 - insufficient yin and floating yang

n.升降浮沉 - lifting and lowering and floating and sinking

n.濡脈浮中並見細象 - soft pulse feels floating and thready

n.浮游腎 - the floating kidney

n.孤陽上越,虛陽不斂 - upward floating of yang in deficiency condition

n.秋毛 - weak and floating pulse in autumn

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