





flocculation aid 助凝劑;flocculate flocculation 絮凝;limes flocculation 釋義:絮狀反應限量;絮狀反應限量;zinc sulfate flocculation test 釋義:硫酸鋅絮凝試驗;cephal-cholesterol flocculation test 釋義:腦磷脂膽固醇絮狀試驗;


1.The tests show that biochemical flocculation process is superior to chemical flocculation process. 試驗表明化學生物絮凝處理工藝優於化學絮凝工藝。

2.An approach is supplied to solve the problem of flocculation. Along with lucubrating of yeast flocculation, it will show tremendous value and bring more economic benefit. 隨著對絮凝機制和絮凝遺傳控制的深入研究,酵母的絮凝性必將顯示出其巨大的應用價值,帶來更多的社會經濟效益。

3.The microparticulate flocculation property on talc fillers by magnesium aluminum hydroxides/anionic polyacrylamide was investigated by means of flocculation analyzer and charge measurement technique. 利用絮凝度分析儀和電荷測定等手段研究了氫氧化鎂鋁/陰離子聚丙烯酰胺對滑石粉填料的微粒絮聚特點。

4.Dye waste is treated by suspension—adhered multi-stage anaerobe—aerobe—chemical flocculation so as to meet its discharge standards. 選用新型的「懸浮—附著多段厭氧—好氧—化學絮凝」處理工藝對印染污水進行處理,使之達標排放。

5.The effluent treatment process after renovation is "anaerobic + aerobiotic + three-stage flocculation treatment" , and is the longest and largest effluent disposal treatment system in present China. 改造後的污水處理工藝為厭氧+好氧+三級絮凝處理,是目前國內造紙行業流程最長、規模最大的污水處理工程。


critical flocculation volume - 臨界絮體積

critical flocculation vilume - 臨界絮凝體積

critical flocculation temperature; critical flocculation vilume - 臨界絮凝溫度

flocculation reaction; flocculationreaction - 凝絮反應

bentonite flocculation test - 皂土絮狀試驗

flocculation value - 絮凝值

flocculation point - 絮凝點

flocculation test; flocculationtest - 絮凝試驗

flocculation and turbidity reaction - 絮濁反應

flocculation reaction; flocculationreaction; flocculoreaction - 絮狀反應

flocculation units - 絮狀反應單位

flocculation inhibition test - 絮狀反應抑制試驗

flocculation speed; kf - 絮狀反應速度

flocculation inhibition test - 絮狀抑制試驗

flocculation precipitation - 絮狀沉澱反應

flocculation test; flocculationtest - 絮狀沉澱試驗

flocculation test; flocculationtest - 絮狀試驗

ccft; cephalin-cholesterol flocculation test - 腦磷脂-膽固醇絮狀試驗

flocculation reaction; flocculationreaction; sigma reaction - 西格瑪反應

zinc flocculation test; znft - 鋅絮狀試驗


n.氧化鋁絮凝 - aluminum oxide flocculation

皂土絮凝反應 - bentonite flocculation

n.皂土絮狀試驗 - bentonite flocculation test

n.腦磷脂膽固醇絮狀沉澱法 - cephalin-cholesterol flocculation

腦磷脂膽固醇凝絮試驗 - cephalin cholesterol flocculation test

n.腦磷脂-膽固醇絮狀試驗 - cephalin-cholesterol flocculation test

n.腦磷脂-膽固醇-卵磷脂絮狀試驗 - cephalin-cholesterollecithin flocculation

n.腦磷脂凝絮試驗 - cephalin flocculation

n.臨界絮凝溫度 - critical flocculation temperature

n.臨界絮凝體積,臨界絮凝溫度 - critical flocculation vilume

n.臨界絮體積 - critical flocculation volume

n.位移絮凝作用 - displacement flocculation

n.絮狀反應限量 - limes flocculation

n.絮凝極限,絮凝限度 - limit flocculation

n.絮凝限度,絮狀沉澱單位 - limit of flocculation

玻片絮凝實驗,玻片絮狀實驗 - slide flocculation test

n.麝香草酚絮狀凝集,麝香草酚絮狀試驗 - thymol flocculation

n.鋅絮狀試驗 - zinc flocculation test

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