n. nervousness
nervesn. 神經;神經緊張;膽量(nerve的複數)v. 使振作;鼓足勇氣(nerve的第三人稱單數)
Nerves 神經;緊張;膽子;神經過敏;Weak nerves 意志薄弱;craniospinal nerves 顱脊神經;gustatory nerves 味覺神經;phrenic nerves 膈神經;
1.She was finally nerved to tell him that she was already a wife. 她終於鼓起勇氣告訴他,她已經為人之妻了。
2.He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper. 和我們搏鬥的人可以增加我們的膽識、磨煉我們的技巧。敵手即是助手。
3.However, this is a time for steady nerves and to resist doing anything that would bring about retribution. 不過,在這個時刻應該做的是穩定情緒,抵制做任何會帶來懲罰的事情。
nerves oculomotorius; oculomotor nerve - 動眼神經
sensory nerves conduction velocity - 感覺神經傳導速度
dorsal digital nerves nervi digitales dorsales - 指背神經
dorsal digital nerves of foot; nervi digitales dorsales peis - 趾背神經
副橫隔神經 - accessory phrenic nerves
n.肛尾神經 - anococcygeal nerves
n.耳前神經 - anterior auricular nerves
n.陰唇前神經 - anterior labial nerves
n.陰囊前神經 - anterior scrotal nerves
n.緩衝神經 - buffer nerves
n.頸鼓神經 - caroticopympanic nerves
陰蒂海綿體神經 - cavernous nerves of clitoris
陰莖海綿體神經 - cavernous nerves of penis
n.睫狀神經 - ciliary nerves
n.趾足底總神經 - common digital plantar nerves
n.指掌側總神經 - common palmar digital nerves
n.顱神經,腦神經 - cranial nerves
n.指背神經 - dorsal digital nerves nervi digitales dorsales
n.趾背神經 - dorsal digital nerves of foot
頸外動脈神經 - external carotid nerves
n.嗅神經小球 - glomeruli of olfactory nerves
臀下神經 - inferior cluneal nerves
n.臀下皮神經 - inferior clunial nerves
n.直腸下神經 - inferior rectal nerves
n.肋間神經 - intercostal nerves
n.肋間臂神經 - intercostobrachial nerves
n.鎖骨上中間神經 - intermediate supraclavicular nerves
n.蘭利氏神經,立毛神經 - langleys nerves
n.鎖骨上外側神經 - lateral supraclavicular nerves
長毛樣神經 - long ciliary nerves
n.腰神經 - lumbar nerves
n.腰內臟神經 - lumbar splanchnic nerves
n.鎖骨上內側神經 - medial supraclavicular nerves
n.脊膜支 - meningeal branch of spinal nerves
中臀皮神經 - middle cluneal nerves
n.臀中皮神經 - middle clunial nerves
n.腦神經核 - nuclei of cranial nerves
n.嗅神經 - olfactory nerves
顎神經 - palatine nerves
n.副交感神經 - parasympathetic nerves
n.勃起神經 - pelvic nerves
n.盆內臟神經 - pelvic splanchnic nerves
n.會陰神經 - perineal nerves
n.蘭利氏神經,立毛神經 - pilomotor nerves
n.陰唇後神經 - posterior labial nerves
n.陰囊後神經 - posterior scrotal nerves
n.鎖骨上後神經 - posterior supraclavicular nerves
n.趾足底固有神經 - proper digital plantar nerves
n.指掌側固有神經 - proper palmar digital nerves
骶神經 - sacral nerves
骶內臟神經 - sacral splanchnic nerves
n.感覺神經傳導速度 - sensory nerves conduction velocity
n.軀幹神經,軀體神經 - somatic nerves
n.蝶顎神經 - sphenopalatinal nerves