piscatawayn. 皮斯卡塔韋(美國新澤西州東北部的一個鎮區)
Piscataway Township 皮斯卡特維 (新澤西州);Radisson Hotel Piscataway 皮斯卡塔韋雷迪森酒店;Holiday Inn South Plainfield-Piscataway 皮斯卡塔韋南平原鎮假日酒店;
1.Lu Anthony Y H:Professor, Laboratory for Cancer Research, School of Pharmacy, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA. 盧業竑:教授,美國羅格斯大學藥學院腫瘤學實驗室。
2.George: Well, actually, I do have a couple hours to kill before I deliver these tomatoes to Piscataway. I thought maybe we could go grab some breakfast. 喬治:其實我可以過上幾個小時以後,再把那些西紅柿運到皮斯卡塔威。咱們先出去吃點早點,怎麼樣?
3.Last year, there were more than two million patient visits to UMDNJ facilities and faculty at campuses in Newark, New Brunswick/Piscataway, Scotch Plains, Camden and Stratford. 去年,有200萬以上的病人到UMDNJ就診,校園內的教員分佈在紐華克,新布魯斯維克/皮斯卡特威,蘇格蘭平原,卡姆登和斯特拉特福。