shock-resistant['ʃɔkri,zistənt]adj. 抗震的
shock-resistant steel 耐衝擊工具鋼;thermal shock-resistant coating 抗熱衝擊塗層;shock-resistant complex steel sheet 減震復合鋼板;塑料夾層消聲鋼板;high temperature resistant shock-conducing tube 耐高溫導爆管;
1.High-quality tape-recorders (radio cassette recorders) made in China are water-proof, shock-resistant and antimagnetic . 國產優質收錄機,能防水、防震、防磁。
2.I plant production and development of all types of wear-resistant, heat-resistant, shock-resistant alloy castings are characterized by "small quantities and more variety." 我廠生產和研製各類耐磨、耐熱、耐衝擊合金鑄件的特點是「小批量多品種」。
3.Apart from the general pressure gauge properties, this kind of gauge is good in acid. shock-resistant and stainless steel pressure gauge is good in acid and shock resistance. 該壓力表具有一般壓力表的性能外,還具有良好的耐腐蝕性,耐震不銹鋼具有耐腐、耐震性能。