n. brake shoe ,horseshoe ,skid
shoe[ʃu:]n. 鞋;蹄鐵;外胎vt. 給……穿上鞋;穿……鞋
shoe 鞋子;模座之上下模板;落水斜口;防滑套;aerobic shoe 有氧舞蹈鞋;running shoe 跑步鞋;架模靴;跑腳鞋;gym shoe 健身鞋;球鞋,體操鞋,健身鞋;運動鞋;球鞋;boat shoe 船用鞋;帆船鞋;船甪鞋;
1.There a shoe factory here. 這以前有一家鞋廠。
2.Goodbye, Blue Shoe. 再見,藍鞋子。
3.Buy shoe parts, nice parts like sole, so please any one making this please contact me . 購買鞋子部件,做功好的像是鞋底,有誰製造部件的請聯繫我。
Excuse me, where can I find the shoe polish? - 問一下,我到哪兒能買到鞋油?
What floor is the shoe department on? - 鞋部在幾層?
Your shoe lace is loose. - 你的鞋帶鬆了。
My steak is so tough that it tastes like shoe leather. - 我的牛排硬得像靴子上的皮革。
Every shoe fits not every foot. - 不能以己度人。
None but the wearer knows where the shoe pinches. - 只有那個穿鞋人,才知哪裡鞋軋腳。
Put the shoe on the right foot. - 責備應受責備者,表揚應受表揚者。
He took off the first shoe and threw it on the floor. - 他脫下第一隻鞋子,把它丟在地板上。
So he took off the second shoe and put it under his bed very quietly. - 他脫下第二隻鞋子,輕輕地放在床下邊。
Chaplin sits down at the table and eats the shoe with a knife and fork, enjoying every mouthful. - 他們餓得發慌,只好用一盆水把鞋子煮了充飢。卓別林坐在一張桌子旁邊,手持刀叉,嚼著皮鞋,一口一口津津有味地品嚐。
My shoe has been pressing against my foot, so it hurts a bit. - 我的鞋一直擠著腳,所以腳有點疼。
n. casing shoe blank - 套管底端閘板
n.馬蹄形 - horse shoe