





n. gimmick ,twist


device[di'vais]n. 裝置;策略;圖案


device 設備;裝置;裝置,設計,器件;設計;Device Editor 設備編輯器;器件編輯器;運動捕捉編輯器;裝備編輯器;lubrication device 潤滑裝置;潤滑油;潤滑深溝球軸承 英文;print device 打印設備;列印裝置;打印裝置;adjusting device 蝶裝置;調整裝置;調節裝置;校正裝置;


1.Pawl is a simple device which allows a shaft to turn only one way. 掣爪是一種非常簡單的只讓轉軸往一個方向轉動的裝置。

2.Accept the installation in your device when prompted on the device display. 接受安裝在您的設備出現提示時,在設備上顯示。

3.Motor connects to the obliquity sensor to adjust the level state of laser level device. 馬達與傾角傳感器電連接,用以調整激光水平裝置的水平狀態。


First the electroencephalograph (which is simply a device for recording the electrical activity of the brain by attaching electrodes to the scalp) shows that while there is a change in the pattern of activity during sleep, - 第一點,腦電圖記錄儀(不過是一種把電極接到頭皮上記錄腦電活動的儀器)顯示,人在睡眠時大腦活動的方式有變化,


controlling device of operating table - 手術台操縱機構

intrauterine device insertion after menstruation - 月經後放環

ear; nose and throat; ultrashort wave device for eye - 超短波五官電療儀

dedusting equipment; device of dust separation - 除塵設備


n.聲音輸入裝置 - acoustic input device

n.衰減測定裝置 - attenuation measuring device

n.自動防爆裝置 - automatic explosion-proof device

自動吸量裝置,自動移液裝置 - automatic pipetting device

中央支承示蹤裝置 - central-bearing tracing device

n.宮頸節育器 - cervial contraceptive device

n.鏈形裝置 - chain device

n.胸部X光攝影裝置 - chest radiographic device

n.循環血量測定裝置 - circulating blood volume measuring device

n.平行光管 - collimating device

n.關閉型宮內節育器 - colsed intra-uterine device

n.計算機輸出裝置 - computer ouput device

n.避孕用品,節育環 - contraceptive device

n.控制器 - control device

n.手術台操縱機構 - controlling device of operating table

n.反搏器 - counterpulsation device

n.計數裝置 - counting device

減震裝置,減阻裝置 - damping device

齒科用機器 - dental device

n.顯示設備 - display device

n.電化積分裝置 - electrochemical integrating device

n.電勢滴定裝置 - electrometric titration device

n.指數梯度裝置 - exponeneial gradient device

n.宮內避孕器脫落,脫環 - expulsion of intrauterine device

女性用避妊具 - female contraceptive device

n.薄膜擴展裝置 - film-spreading device

n.玻璃量具 - glass measuring device

聽力防護儀 - hearing protection device

n.宮內避孕器鉗閉 - incarceration of intrauterine device

n.指示裝置 - indicating device

輸入一輸出裝置 - input-output device

n.宮內避孕器放置入術 - insertion of intrauterine device

n.主動脈內球囊反向搏動 - intra-aortic balloon counter pulsation device

n.子宮內避孕器 - intra-uterine device

n.宮內避孕器,子宮節育器 - intrauterine contraceptive device

n.帶環,宮內避孕器 - intrauterine device

n.月經後放環 - intrauterine device insertion after menstruation

n.激光裝置 - laser device

n.光度控制裝置 - light control device

男性生殖器性疾病 - male contraceptive device

呼吸肌功能檢測設備 - measurement device of respiratory muscle function

n.宮內避孕器異位 - misplacement of intrauterine device

n.監護裝置 - monitoring device

n.多能記錄裝置 - multiple recording device

n.肌肉助力器 - muscle-boosting device

n.核蛻變 - nuclear device

核類藥物設計 - nuclear medicine device

n.光學裝置 - optical device

矯形外科學裝備 - orthopedic fixation device

n.氧氣壓力表 - oxygen limitation safety device


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