newswire['nju:zwaiə]n. 新聞專線
newswire 新聞專線;新聞電訊;ABN Newswire 亞洲財經新聞;Reuters Newswire 路透社;Dow Jones Newswire 道瓊斯通訊社;道瓊斯通訊社;Xinhua PR Newswire 新華美通;
1.(Ivanhoe Newswire) A new treatment for stroke may buy patients time. 一種新的中風治療方法可以為病人贏得時間。
2.s owner, News Corp, announced job cuts at the eq2 plat newspaper earlier this month, but said that the Dow Jones newswire was adding journalists at its bureaus, especially in India. 本月早些時候,美國新聞集團(華爾街日報所在公司)公佈了旗下報紙裁員的消息,但也透露道瓊斯新聞專線正招募記者,尤其是駐印記者。
3.Yesterday, the American Enterprise Information Communication Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "PR Newswire") and Xinhua Finance announced the signing of a definitive agreement. 昨日,美國企業新聞通訊公司(下稱「美通社」)宣佈與新華財經簽署了一項最終協議。