slyer[slai]adj. 狡猾的,狡詐的暗中的,愉愉摸摸的;秘密的淘氣的,頑皮的;俏皮的會意的,心照不宣的[主方言] 能幹的;靈巧的[主澳大利亞俚語] 違禁(出售)的短語: on the sly 秘密地,偷偷地變形: slyer 或 slier , slyest 或 sliest
1.Now, you kids must use wisdom to help TT-Bunny to destroy the trap set up by Slyer and save his buddies. 現在,小朋友們必須運用智慧幫助勇敢的暴牙兔破解老巫婆設下的魔法陷阱,解救出小夥伴們。
2.One day, while TT-Bunny was staying away, evil Slyer forcibly occupied the cabin and put his buddies in a secret place with witchcraft. 一天,邪惡的老巫婆趁暴牙兔外出時用魔法霸佔了小木屋並將他的小夥伴關押了起來。
3.The hardware design and the control strategy and software development of the electronic control unit (ECU) for CNG engine of Slyer heavy-duty truck are presented. 介紹了斯太爾重型CNG發動機電控單元的硬件設計、控制策略以及軟件開發。