





a. humble ,little ,minor ,modest


r. biga. big ,large


small[smɔ:l]adj. 少的,小的;微弱的;幾乎沒有的;不重要的;幼小的adv. 小小地;卑鄙地n. 小件物品;矮小的人


small 小的;小;小的,少的;小號的;small talk 寒暄,閒聊;閒聊;寒暄,閒聊;簡短交談;Small Load 少洗衣量;少洗衣量:;少洗衣 孤島危機彈頭 量;Small club 小俱樂部效果;小***效果;小俱樂部後果;Small cakes 小甜鬆餅;小甜點心;


1.I have small ears and big feet. 我有很小的耳朵和很大的腳。

2.That house is too small for us. 那幢房子給我們住是太小了。

3.Now, do you see a small opening? 現在,你看到了一個小孔了嗎?


We're having a small to-do, and I'd really be happy if you come. - 我們打算熱鬧一下,我真心的希望你能賞光。

Five hundred dollars, please. And could you give me ten dollar in small change? - 請換500美元。再另外能否給我10元的小面額零錢?

Sure. Can you give me fifty dollars in small bills, please, and ten dollars in change? - 好的。你可以幫我把50塊錢換成小鈔,10塊換成零錢嗎?

A small one will do. What is your best rate? - 小型車就可以了。你們最優惠的價格是多少?

I'll be satisfied with a small one. - 小型車就很令我滿意了。

A small one will suit me. - 小型車對我來說很合適。

I liked the work. However, the firm is too small for me to widen my experience. - 我喜歡那份工作。但那家公司太小,難以增加我的經驗。

Did anyone find a camera bag this afternoon,a small canvas bag,on the J. F. Kennedy Ferry?…No? - 請問今天下午有人撿到一個照像機旅行袋嗎?一個小的粗帆布袋,是在J. F. Kennedy號渡船上丟的。……沒有嗎

looking for a small house or an apartment - 找一個小住宅或公寓

Richard feels we need to find a small house. Richard - 覺得我們需要一個小住宅。

Of course, it was a small house, - 當然, 那是一棟小房子,

You lost by a very small number of votes. - 輸的票數非常少。

But it's kind of small also. We must've bought the wrong size. - 但它也有點小了。我們一定買錯了尺寸。

Dogs make great pets, but don't leave them alone with small children. - 狗是最好的寵物,但不要讓狗和小孩子單獨在一起。

He grew up happily in a small village. - 他在小村莊裡快樂地長大。

This small child is quite self-centered. Maybe he is spoiled by his family. - 這個小孩挺以自我為中心的,可能是被家人寵壞了。

Keep a small English dictionary with you at all time. - 隨身攜帶一本小英文字典。

This is no small accomplishment. - 這是非同小可的成就。

How does she get by on such a small salary? - 她靠那麼一點薪水怎麼過生活?

Parents usually put a small red paper packet under their child's pillow. - 父母常常會在孩子枕頭下放一個小紅包。

I need small change. - 我需要零錢。

There was a big choice of shops in the small town. - 這個小鎮上有好多商店可供選擇。

We have a small gift for you to take with you when you leave the factory. - 你離開工廠時,我們有件小禮物要送給你。

Then you'll need small change. - 那你需要換小零錢。

How can it be so small and heavy? - 這樣小何以這麼重呀?

Such a small mistake is pardonable. - 不會追究犯了那麼小的錯誤的。

It's a small street. - 這是一個很小的街道。

This small table is good. - 這張小桌很不錯。

This windows is junst as small as that one. - 這扇窗戶剛好和那扇一樣小。

A small leak will sink a great ship. - 一個小漏洞可能弄沉一艘大輪船。

Great boast, small roast. - 說得天花亂墜,成事微乎其微。

He who despises small things seldom grows rich. - 小錢不計,大錢不聚。

It is a small flock that has not a black sheep. - 家家難免有敗類。

No great loss without some small gain. - 塞翁失馬,安知非福。

Take care of small sums and the large will take care of themselves. - 省小錢才能積大財。

The small courtesies sweeten life; the greater ennoble it. - 有點禮貌使生活愉快,多點禮貌使生活高尚。

There is a small choice in rotten apples. - 朽木不可雕。

Venture a small fish to catch a great one. - 吃小虧佔大便宜。

It's a small blue case and it's got a zip. - 是只藍色的小箱子,上面有拉鏈。

but it's too small for me. - 可是對我來說太小了。

I'm afraid this green dress it too small for me as well. - 恐怕這件綠色的我穿著也太小了。

It's a small world. - 這世界真小。

There is a broken small old gray stone bridge over the river. - 河上有一座破爛不堪的、古老的、灰色的小石橋。

Do you want the large size or the small size? - 您要大號的還是小號的?

I don't have any small pads. I only have large one. Do you want a pad? - 我沒有小本的信紙,只有大本的。您要一本嗎?

I only have small boxes.Do you want one? - 我只有小盒的。您要一盒嗎?

Because I've just retired.I want to buy a small house in the country. - 因為我剛退休。我想在鄉下買幢小房子。

Haven't you got any small change? - 您沒有零錢嗎?

I've got no small change, I am afraid. - 恐怕我沒有零錢。

Have you any small change, sir? - 先生,您有零錢嗎?


low birth weight newborn; small birth weight - 低體重兒

small for dates infants - 低體重嬰兒

congenital stricture of small intestine - 先天性小腸狹窄

congenital atresia of small intestine - 先天性小腸閉鎖

immunoproliferative small intestinal disease - 免疫增生性小腸病

primary ulcer of small intestine - 原發性小腸潰瘍

post-traumatic adhesion of small inresine - 外傷後小腸粘連

traumatic injury of small intestine - 外傷性小腸損傷

traumatic fistula of small intesine - 外傷性小腸瘺

small porous particle - 多孔性微粒

massive small bowel syndrome - 大部小腸綜合征

small amount - 少量

frequent small meals - 少量多餐

numerous minute echoes; numerous small and low echoes - 密集低小微波

small for gestational age - 小於孕齡

small subunit; small subunits - 小亞基

n. small capacity - 小體量

small signal parameter - 小信號參數

small spaces between muscles - 小分

micromolecule; small molecule - 小分子

small molecular basic protein - 小分子鹼性蛋白質

low dose; lowdose; small dose - 小劑量

small dose dexamethasone inhibition test - 小劑量地塞米松抑制試驗法

arteriola; arteriole; small artery - 小動脈

small unilamellar vesicles - 小單層脂質體

microcalorie; microcalory; small calorie - 小卡

a small circle of the evolrtive - 小周天

glandulae saliviae minores; small salivary glands - 小唾液腺

small larynx - 小喉

crypt; follicle; folliculus; sacculus; small sac - 小囊

small fontanel - 小囟

small round epithelial cells - 小圓上皮細胞

small round cells sarcoma - 小圓細胞肉瘤

small rodents - 小型齧齒類

small atmospheric sterillizer - 小型常壓滅菌器

small sliding microtome - 小型滑動切片機

small hook needle - 小型鉤針

small splint - 小夾板

small splint immobilization - 小夾板固定

small intense fluorescence cells - 小強螢光細胞

small heart syndrome - 小心臟綜合征

bronchiole; small bronchus - 小支氣管

small check - 小方格

podill; podillum; small cup - 小杯

small airway function - 小氣道功能

small airway lung disease - 小氣道肺部疾病

small airway resistance determination - 小氣道阻力測定

small echo; small wave - 小波

small digestive gland - 小消化腺

small lymphocyte - 小淋巴細胞


n.小周天 - a small circle of the evolrtive

n.小腸粘連 - adhesion of small intestine

n.小腸過敏性紫癜 - anaphylactoid purpura of small intestine

n.小腸污染綜合征 - contaminated small bowel syndrome

n.先天性小腸閉鎖 - congenital atresia of small intestine

n.先天性小腸狹窄 - congenital stricture of small intestine

n.小腸病 - disorder of the small intestine

n.小腸憩室炎 - diverticulitis of small intestine

n.小腸憩室 - diverticulum of small intestine

n.小腸實熱 - excessive head in the small intestine

n.小腸實熱 - excessive heat in the small intestine

n.小腸纖維瘤 - fibroma of small intestine

n.小腸脹 - flatulence of the small intestine

n.少量多餐 - frequent small meals

n.小腸肉芽腫 - granuloma of small intestine

n.免疫增生性小腸病 - immunoproliferative small intestinal disease

n.小腸損傷 - injury of small intestine

n.小腸平滑肌瘤 - leiomyoma of small intestine

n.小隱靜脈結紮術 - ligation of small saphenous vein

n.小腸脂肪瘤 - lipoma of small intestine

n.小腸袢 - loop of small intestine

肝部小細胞癌 - lung small cell carcinoma

n.小腸大部分切除術 - massive resection of small intestine

n.大部小腸綜合征 - massive small bowel syndrome

小型醫用迴旋加速器 - medical diagnosis small cyclotron

n.小腸系膜 - mesentery of small intestine

非小細胞癌 - non small cell cancer

非小細胞肺癌 - non small cell ularity lung cancer

n.密集低小微波 - numerous small and low echoes

n.無痛性小結石 - painless small stone

n.小腸排列術,小腸折術 - plication of small intestine

n.小腸折疊排列術 - pliction of small intestine

n.小腸息肉 - polyposis of small intestine

n.外傷後小腸粘連 - post-traumatic adhesion of small inresine

n.感染後小腸瘺 - postinfective fistula of small intestine

n.手術後小腸粘連 - postoperative adhesion of small intestine

n.手術後小腸瘺 - postoperative fistula of small intestine

n.手術後小腸損傷 - postoperative injury of small intestine

n.原發性小腸潰瘍 - primary ulcer of small intestine

n.小腸切除 - resection of small intestine

n.小腸網織細胞肉瘤 - reticulum cell sarcoma of small intestine

n.短小腸綜合征 - short small bowel syndrome

n.小腸狹窄 - stenosis of small intestine

n.泌別清濁 - the main function of the small intestine

n.小腸 - the small intestine

n.小腸經 - the small intestine channel

n.手太陽小腸經 - the Small Intestine Meridian of Hand-Taiyang

n.頻服 - to be taken in small doses at short intervals

n.外傷性小腸瘺 - traumatic fistula of small intesine

n.外傷性小腸損傷 - traumatic injury of small intestine

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