n. charles lamb ,dear ,elia
lamb[læm]n. 羔羊,小羊;羔羊肉vt. 生小羊,產羔羊vi. 生小羊,產羔羊
lamb 羊羔,羔羊;年幼的綿羊;羊肉;拉姆;lamb chop 羊排;小羊排;羊扒,;煎羊排;lamb shift 蘭姆移位;拉姆移位;蘭姆移動;藍姆移位;Lamb dip 蘭姆凹陷;ewe lamb 最珍愛的東西。;哺乳母羊;母羔羊;最珍愛的東西.;
1.Do you want beef or lamb? 你想要牛肉還是羔羊肉?
2.The lamb is sure to go. 這羔羊是必然的要去的。
3.Then I said dear children watch the lamb. 然後我說:「親愛的孩子,看著羔羊。」
I prepared lamb chops, - 我準備了羊肉,
A lamb is as dear to a poor man as an ox to the rich. - 窮人的一隻羔羊比富人的一頭牛還要珍貴。
A pet lamb makes a cross ram. - 寵壞的小羊將成為脾氣壞的大羊。
One of Mary's prize possessions was a little white lamb which her husband had given her. - 瑪麗最珍貴的財產之一就是丈夫送給她的一隻白色小羔羊。
One evening, however, the lamb was missing. - 可是,一天晚上,那隻小羔羊失蹤了。
The rope had been cut, so it was obvious that the lamb had been stolen. - 繩子被人割斷,很明顯小羔羊是被人偷走了。
It was true that he had just bought a lamb, he explained, but his lamb was black. - 不錯,他的確剛買了一隻羔羊,阿列科解釋說,但他的羔羊是黑色的。
When he went outside half an hour later, he was astonished to find the little black lamb was almost white. - 半小時後,當他從屋裡出來時,他驚奇地發現小黑羔羊全身幾乎都變成白色。
n. Lamb waves - 板波