lamaze 無痛分娩法;拉梅茲無痛分娩法;Lamaze method 釋義:拉馬茲[順產]法(使產婦較順利分娩的身心鍛煉無痛分娩法);拉莫斯法;Lamaze International 拉瑪澤國際組織;拉梅茲國際組織;Birthways Lamaze Classes 平面;
1.Objective To explore the clinical value of lamaze painless labour (LPL). 目的探討拉瑪澤無痛分娩法的臨床價值。
2.We took prenatal classes together when I had my first child, Lamaze and Taking Care of Baby. 當我有第一個孩子時我們一起上產前課程,心理助產法和嬰兒護理。
3.It's the heart of Coney IsIand. It has adult education, basketball CPR, Lamaze, water ballet, senior's tae kwon do. It's great. 是科尼島的心臟。它有成人教育設施,籃球館,水上芭蕾館,甚至還有老年人跆拳道中心。設施完備。
4.effleurage of the abdomen is used in the Lamaze method of childbirth. 腹部輕撫法在婦女分娩時使用。